Top Ten Lamest Reasons Why Daisy Fangirls Hate Rosalina

I've been wanting to make this list for quite a long time. I really start to hate it when people fight about Daisy and Rosalina. "Rosalina is better!" "No Daisy is." So I have made two separate lists. This one is about Daisy fans and the other list is about Rosalina fans. BTW, no this is NOT insulting or attacking Daisy's/Rosalina's character in any way. This is just me saying that Daisy fans should leave Rosalina alone and Rosalina fans should leave Daisy alone.
The Top Ten
1 Rosalina is Replacing Daisy

I am a Rosalina and Daisy fan, as the comment bellow says and I also do belive that there are bad Daisy fans and bad Rosalina fans. The bad ones start arguments and yell and scream and cry. They are CHARACTERS. But not all of them are bad. The good fans don't get angry when someone says they like Daisy/Rosalina more and accept other people. And we all know about Peach yes, most of us hate her and her fans are annoying. This is the best list ever.

Yeah, the argument I keep seeing time and time again. It's interesting because in Mario Kart 8, Mario and Sonic, Mario Tennis, and more, Rosalina and Daisy are together. So how does that mean...

Oh right, that's because Rosalina ISN'T replacing Daisy or anyone else. Daisy and Rosalina are in most of the games together with the exception of 3D World and Smash. The last few worlds in 3D World are in Space so it would make sense that Rosalina becomes playable. Plus they needed to add a female character with the unique spin attack. If they add anyone else, they'll probably add Yoshi and Wario next since those two are in main Mario titles. In Smash, it's understandable that Daisy isn't in it since I'm not entirely sure what special attack she would have considering she's another princess along with Peach while Rosalina is a space guardian (plus Rosie was heavily requested).

In what universe? They are in most games together, and Rosalina appears in more main games because she is more relevant. Plain and simple.

What Smash (especially) if it is stupid.
Daisy is hated and not receive it well, however Rosalina was not so popular, but neither hated her. And in this installment they sought to include more female characters.
In this if I agree.

2 Rosalina Serves No Purpose

This is such a dumb argument considering Daisy serves less of a purpose than Rosalina does. Daisy only appeared as a damsel in distress in Super Mario Land, practically being the Princess Peach of that game. After that, Peach needed a playing partner so Daisy came back and ever since, all she has done has appeared in Spinoffs. Also, Rosalina doesn't help Mario in Galaxy because she isn't PLAYABLE!

Well Daisy’s purpose is the mario series is just to be peaches partner. But other than that Daisy has no purpose at all.

What purpose does daisy have?

3 Rosalina Fangirls are Annoying

Daisy fans are worse than hers to be honest. Rosalina fans do attack those who dislike her but I see Daisy fans do the same. Rosalina fans worship her but I see Daisy fans do the same.
Rosalina fans attack other fanbases and yet Daisy fans do the same. If someone insults Daisy fans, they go insult them back. When they say "Not all of them are bad." Or "They're better than Waluigi's and Rosalina's." Or "Hers are okay" they know they're lying. I know Rosalina fans are annoying but Daisy is way worse. They go insult the Rosalina fans because they like the character and they want to be bullies. I'm so sick of people thinking that the Daisy fandom is okay ITS NOT!

Yeah they are, but are you guys any better? You guys compare Daisy to Rosalina just to get rage in the comment section and try to prove that Daisy is better. But you don't HAVE to. You can just tell us your reasons why you like Daisy instead of saying stuff like "compare her amazing personality to Rosalina who has none". You really have no reason to.

If you guys think they are annoying, look at the one list called "Reasons to hate Rosalina" that was made by rapid losers.

Daisy fans are as bad as them. They're the type to piss you off

4 Rosalina is Bland and Has No Personality

I agree that Daisy has the most obvious personality out of the three ladies. But Rosalina has personality too. She is a kind, caring, intelligent guardian of the galaxy who takes care of her lumas and protects the Galaxy. Daisy is a loud, lively, sassy princess who is very good at sports. BOTH have personalities.

Both have personalities.

5 Rosalina is in Too Many Games

Are you serious! Just because she is in too many games and is overrated doesn't mean she is bad. Daisy has actually been in many more games than her. Daisy was in a majority of the spinoffs as Peach's partner. Then Rosalina came along and appeared in 3 mainseries titles and most of the spinoffs (in Rio 2016 she is only a guest! GRRR! )

Actually Daisy fans if you can just shut up for a sec Daisy has been in 59 games while Rosalina has been in 20.

I ask them how is she overrated



"Err...she's in more games than DAISY! "

Daisy has been in many games than Rosalina



And? This isn't a reason at all.

6 Rosalina is Ugly

You know this is not true. All of the girls have beauty. I know you're saying this because everyone accuses Daisy of being Ugly but seriously? Rosalina looks like someone at a sweet 16 but with emo hair. "But DC don't you agree that Daisy is ugly? " NO! I did write stupid comments like that but then I watched this video and changed my mind. v=WG4j--MdRRY

Ignore the whole "Luigi is interested in Daisy" thing because it was never canonized. Sorry for shipping Luigi X Rosalina guys!

You just hate her emo hair

You're so wrong!

7 Rosalina's Popular Simply Because She's Hot

It's SIMPLY not true. Rosalina is popular because she is interesting, surrounded in mystery, and has character development (no she is not the only character who has this since Luigi, Bowser, and Wario exist). She is also one of the most useful characters in 3D World since she can spin attack (don't mess with Rosalina). Peach and Daisy are also pretty and I don't see people hoarding towards them.

From some perv maybe, but there aren't just pervs in her fanbase.

8 Rosalina's Popular Simply Because of Frozen

It's SIMPLY not true. Super Mario Galaxy came out in 2007. This was practically 7-8 years before Elsa and Frozen. Besides, we're talking about a cool and amazing character, not Elsa.

9 Rosalina is a Clone of Peach

This is the worst argument of all. Rosalina dosen't look a bit like peach! They arn't mother or daughter or sisters or cousins. Rosalina and peach have blonde hair and blue eyes. That's it! Rosalina's hair is lighter, peach's is more yellow, Rosalina's hair is shorter and she has a bang, Rosalina's eyes are more aqua, peach's are more blue, Rosalina is taller peach is shorter, they have different lip colours different features, different dresses and you still call Rosalina a clone of peach? If anything pink gold stupidhead is a clone of peach! And peach is dumber and weaker than Rosalina do I have to explain anymore? Sorry I just hate Peach she bothers me.

Peach, Daisy, and Rosalina were all created by the SAME ARTIST.

Pink Gold Peach. Need I say more? *Leaves room*

They aren't the same person.

10 Rosalina is Perfect and Empty

Is being called perfect an insult? Yeah, that's what I thought. Mario and Pauline are also perfect and I don't see people attacking them (NO MARIO IS NOT MENTAL! ). Besides, Rosalina CAN make mistakes. Everybody makes mistakes. Also, if she's empty, why does she have character development?

No? Why? It's not true.

How is being called perfect an insult?

She's not a Mary Sue whoever said that.

The Contenders
11 She killed Daisy

Seriously. This list is made by a Daisy fan girl who thinks daisy is as perfect as ever and Rosalina is a space jerk. I like Daisy but these daisy fans are really pissing me off.

And Daisy is still in games?

12 Rosalina is Hentai
13 Rosalina has bad hair

She has good hair.

14 Rosalina Was in Smash Before Daisy
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