Coolest Looking Letters of the Greek Alphabet

The Top Ten
Omega (Ω/ω)

I simply love greek letters, greek language, greek people, greek food, I like everything is greek.

God of War, Omega beams (Darkseid) etc

Psi (Ψ/ψ)

This is cool! It looks like a crazy person!

The symbol of Neptune and psychology.

Sigma (Σ/ς/σ)
Delta (Δ/δ)

The uppercase looks like a triangle.

Xi (Ξ/ξ)

The capital xi looks like the Chinese character for the number 3. The lowercase xi is just awesome!

The capital one looks the best.

Phi (Φ/φ)

I love this symbol! It is so beautiful! And it is well known for its use in representing flux.

Gamma (Γ/γ)
Lambda (Λ/λ)
Pi (Π/π)
Theta (Θ/θ)

The Newcomers

? Sho (Þ/þ)

This is an extinct letter of the Greek alphabet, but still used in a language not exactly similar to Greek, but used it's letters and added this. It looks similar to the Icelandic letter "thorn" though.

? Omicron (Ο/ο)

I love saying its name. Omicron! Brilliant!

The Contenders
Beta (Β/β)
Epsilon (Ε/ε)
Eta (Η/η)
Zeta (Ζ/ζ)

The lowercase zeta just looks weird

Mu (Μ/μ)

This is quite intriguing... the two forms look like an "M" and a "u" and together they spell "Mu"...

Upsilon (Υ/υ)
Kappa (Κ/κ)
Alpha (Α/α)
Tau (Τ/τ)

The lowercase Tau looks like a really cute "T" that really doesn't have the arms for the job.
No, that innuendo wasn't intended.

Rho (Ρ/ρ)
Nu (Ν/ν)
Chi (Χ/χ)
Iota (Ι/ι)

Just a single line. What were you expecting, the funniest thing ever?

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