Top Ten Best Japanese Words to Say In a Anime Convention

Just some cute Japanese words to say in a convention.
The Top Ten
1 Senpai (Superior, Elder, Senior)

Very common in anime.:3

2 Kokoro (Heart, Spirit)

Use it like this:My kokoro is going Doki Doki! (My heart is beating! )

3 Arigatou (Thank You)
4 Nani (What?)
5 Anime (Animation)

Anime is actually a Japanese word for animation...ignored fact.

6 Otaku (People With Obvious Interest)

I typed in otaku on google translator and it came out with geek. I laughed so hard. That probably was the highlight of my day.

7 So de Su Ne (It Explains the Matter)
8 Kawaii (Cute)
9 Yoshi (Fantastic)
10 Baka (Idiot)
The Contenders
11 Oishii (Delicious)
12 Yatta (I Did It!)
13 Kowai (Scary)
14 Hentai

Hentai means pervert, right?

15 Ochinchin (Penis)
16 Tsundere
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