Top Ten Laziest Things Imaginable

I just couldn't be bothered to give this list a description.
The Top Ten
1 You stream a movie from the internet because the DVD is downstairs

I only do this if a particular movie is not avalable in my country anymore or at all.

What if you have no internet, dun, dun, dun!

2 You smash a window to get the new furniture through so you don't have to go the long way through the corridor
3 You use a mechanical arm to pick things up from the floor or from far away
4 You cut through your bedroom floor to reach for something in the kitchen below

I actually pictured myself doing this as a child. But, well, you can imagine the response I would have received.

I imagine me cutting through the floor with a chainsaw. I would get in trouble.

5 You continue watching crap on TV because the remote is on the floor

Haha! My brother's done this! I kicked away the remote. He sat and suffered Coronation Street because he was too lazy to get up and get the remote.

6 You stay awake for longer because you'll have to get up to be able to reach the light switch

Sometimes, despite my insomnia, I still do this.

7 You keep all of your kitchen utensils in the dishwasher so you don't have to put them back in the cupboard
8 You keep all of your clothes in a dryer in your room so you don't need a wardrobe
9 You drive your dogs around the block with their leads hanging out of the car window

This would be so bad if you were to exceed a certain speed.

10 You drive to your neighbour's house

When their house is right next to you, very lazy.

The Contenders
11 You litter because you’re lazy to find a recycling bin

Unfortunately far too many people do this.

12 You keep a mini barbecue by your bed so you can cook meat while in bed
13 You call an Uber just to get around the house

It just the most laziest thing you can do if it is a small one as well.

14 You put off going to bed because that means you have to get up and brush your teeth
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