Top 10 Left 4 Dead / Left 4 Dead 2 Campaigns

The Top Ten
1 Dark Carnival

You go through an amusement park, then you fight zombies on a rollercoaster, then you play a concert so the helicopter can see you. It's amazing!

2 No Mercy
3 Cold Stream
4 Blood Harvest

My favourite L4D1 campaign. The best thing about it - the most balanced and hardest campaign of all. I like comic story between Blood Harvest and The Sacrifice, and that thing what characters really forgot for what CEDA and military was about in this apocalypse.

5 Dead Center
6 The Perish

Beautiful for most reason. Nice abandoned buildings with witches. Colourful design and soundtrack with trumpet. Bombers up there. Military zombies. Rare tanks (at the normal they are really rare) and the final with the bridge is a cool and nice experience even in singleplayer.

7 The Sacrifice
8 Crash Course
9 Death Toll
10 The Passing

Highly underrated, but it is longer that Crash Course, and it's smaller than The Sacrifice. Also have really cool improvements. Yeah, often a part in the sever is reaaaally annoying, but this campaign - is a great combo of the Dead Center scavange and the Sacrifice big-small hardcore. It is easier because of fire from the bridge, but whatever. I really like it, and how this campaign fits in the main plot of both games.

The Contenders
11 Swamp Fever

Highly underrated

12 Hard Rain

For my opinion - it is a very underrated map. I know, it's very hard with a tens of witches of both type and other infected triggering you. But it has the best atmosphere design in the whole game. Firstly, you will go at the day, only to get some fuel, and after this, you're going back. At night. In the hard rain. In the full darkness. The part with corn reminds me a Blood Harvest. Sometimes maps are annoying, and go forward and then back sounds ridiculous, but I still love. Favourite menu theme in the game.

13 Dead Air
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