Top Ten Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Dungeons

The Top Ten
Ganon's Tower

It might be very challenging (for beginners, at least), but it's worth going through because right after it, there's one of the most epic final fights in the series.

It's definitely the hardest dungeon in the game! " and that my friends is why it's the last dungeon."

Without any doubt. Just that sensation of about to be beating the game, I loved it

Turtle rock
Hyrule Castle 2
Dark Palace
Misery Mire

My 3rd favorite Zelda dungeon of all time, behind turtle rock and the earth temple (i don't count ganon's tower as a dungeon

I just love the setting of this dungeon.

Hyrule Castle 1
Ice Palace
Swamp Palace

Can someone help me? I don't know English very well, but I'll try my best.
I am right now in the Swamp Palace. And at one point, I made the water go up. However, there was a skull with a key down there, but now I can't get it because Link just swims!
What can I do? Do I have to restart the entire game or is there a way? If there is, please reply, because I'm not willing to start the game from the beginning just for one dungeon!

Theives Town
Skull Woods

The Newcomers

? Eastern Palace
? Tower of Hera
The Contenders
East Palace
Desert Palace
Palace of Darkness
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