Top Ten Lesser Known Fruits

Delicious fruits that you have never heard of...go ahead and try them next time you go to an exotic food place, they’re really good!
The Top Ten
1 Chay Mulberries
2 Durian

I've heard of this funny enough thanks to Super Mario Sunshine, where it's the only fruit in the game that you can't pick up strangely

I've heard it's sweet and tasty but very stinky

3 Jackfruit
4 Mangosteen

Only heard of it from, the same lithuanian book as I heard about Starfruit

5 Jujube
6 Chinese Dogwood
7 Rambutan

Wow such a look!

8 Starfruit

The first/only time I've heard about this, was from the original Plants Vs. Zombies game.

It's available in our grocery store.

9 Actée

Just remember they don't have eyes.

Those black eyes...

10 Black Sapote
The Contenders
11 Aronia Berries
12 Japanese Mulberries
13 Gac
14 Hala Fruit
15 Pawpaw
16 Autumn Olives
17 Lingonberries
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