Top Ten Letters Oxford Never Will Remove from the English Language

The Top Ten
1 E

Actually oxford can't remove letters from roman script. They don't have that much authority. Words, yes, but not letters. In fact many non English speaking countries follow the roman script (in fact most of the prominent European countries like France) and so roman script is not limited to English, but to other languages as well. Well that's a different case if English starts following a different script of it's own.

Putting this thing aside, yeah where are we without 'e'. No 'he', 'she', 'we', etc. The English language will become terrible without this letter.

One of the most common letters in the alphabet.

2 A

How can they remove letters and all letters are of equal value.

3 I

Where is the slang of the Brits without I?

4 O
5 U

No, no, it is too precious...

6 W

Don't even think about it.

7 R
8 T

Don't expel this. Else how can you say Brigirl and PosironWildhawk? A major drawback to the bally lang.

9 J
10 V
The Contenders
11 N
12 Z
13 M
14 S
15 P
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