Most Likely Ratings for the 2017 My Little Pony Movie

Since the new MLP movie is coming out in 2017, we might as well predict what it will be rated.
The Top Ten
1 PG

The movie will most likely be darker than the show. A PG rating wouldn't surprise me at all.

2 G

It's a show created for children! Not teenagers or adults, who have no business watching it and ruining it for the ones it was created for!

Since the show is rated T.V.-Y, this rating would also make sense for the movie.

3 PG-13

While this is very unlikely, it would be very interesting to see a PG-13 MLP movie. Besides, even the Sonic movie is possibly going to be rated PG-13.

4 R

This will never happen!

5 NC-17

This would only work if Hasbro was trying to appeal to the cloppers. However, this obviously won't happen in a million years!

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