Top Ten Best List Makers of 2014 On TheTopTens

It is 2014, and some great users have come in and made amazing lists, and it's time to celebrate them!
The Top Ten
1 PositronWildhawk

His various series like the "Awful Pun Series", the "Anagram series" and the "Pickup Line Series" were some of the awesomest lists he produced during 2014.

He is another great user from Great Britain (No Pun Intended), and he has lists of pretty much anything.

2 Britgirl

She's got lots of creative and funny lists.

Lots of good ones

3 SuperHyperDude

He's brought a real spark to this place.

I have seen some great lists from him.

He has an amazing sense of humour!

4 CerealGuy

His lists are a hit or miss, and I am saying he has come up with some excellent lists.

5 Pug/Puga

He's a creative dog, and I do appreciate his lists.

6 Wolftail

You go girl! Keep the good lists going

7 Turkeyasylum

He has had a few fun lists, and I do like his variety.

8 Kiteretsunu

Definitely a good list maker, and I want to see more from him, even though he has lots of lists.

I think he should be higher on this list.

9 PetSounds

Thanks, SubliminalMessages. I don't make lists very often these days, so I'm glad you noticed me.

His rare lists are good, and he has got some talent.

10 MissBritain

She's like Britgirl 2.0, and I love her lists!

The Contenders
11 Finch
12 Keyson
13 Britboy

To be honest, Britboy's list was a little creepy.

14 Subhashahu
15 MaxBravo
16 PatrickStar
17 BKAllmighty
18 Curti2594
19 Garythesnail
20 BigBrotherSucks
21 MattDeBat
22 belarbi
23 JaysTop10List
24 OtakuGamergirl
25 MostTalented_BoyX
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