Top 10 Best Animal Constellations
Stars can create figures when connecting and tracing the lines of the stars, the figures in the night sky. There are some constellations that it shape like an animal. Out of the 88 official constellations, 42 of them form an animal. Some constellations look like bears, dogs, fishes, scorpions and many more. So, these are the animal shaped constellation.The Top Ten
Ursa Major
Ursa Major is one of the most famous constellations in the sky. It is located in the northern sky. It is a Latin word meaning "Greater Bear" since it shaped like a big bear. It is known for the Big Dipper. It composed of seven stars named Phecda, Merak, Dubhe, Alioth, Alkaid, Mizar and Megrez. Alioth or Epsilon Ursae Majoris, a blue-white giant star, is the brightest star of the constellation.

It is a northern constellation with the shape like a swan. Its name came from a Latin word meaning swan since it is a swan-shaped constellation. It is also called The Northern Cross since it shaped like a cross. The famous stars of this constellation are Deneb, Fawaris, Sadr, Aljanah, Albireo and Azelfafage. The brightest star in this constellation is Deneb, a blue-white supergiant star.

It is a northern constellation. It was named for a winged horse in Greek Mythology since it looks like a Pegasus. The main stars in this constellation are Algenib, Enif, Scheat, Alpheratz and Markab. The brightest star in this constellation is Enif or Epsilon Pegasi, a red supergiant star.

It is a northern constellation. Its name is from a Latin word meaning fishes since it looks like a two fishes. It is the one of the zodiac signs. The main stars are Alpherg, Van Maneen's star, Fumalsamakah, Revati, Delta Piscium, Epsilon Piscium, Torcula, Alrescha, Omega Piscium, and Gamma Piscium. The brightest star is Alpherg(also known as Eta Piscium or Kullat Nunu), a yellow bright giant star.

Canis Major
A southern constellation in the night sky. It was named after a Latin word meaning "The Greater Dog" since it shaped like a dog. The most famous star is Sirius, a blue white binary star. It is also the brightest star in the constellation as well.

It is the one of the constellations in the zodiac. It is located in the Northern Hemisphere. It is a Latin word for Ram. The four of the brightest star of this constellation are Alpha Arietis, Beta Arietis, Gamma Arietis and 41 Arietis. The brightest star is Hamal or Alpha Arietis, an orange giant star.

Like Pisces and Aries, Cancer is the one of the constellations in the zodiac. It is a constellation in Northern Hemisphere near the equator. Its name came from a Latin word meaning crab since it shaped like a crab. The main stars are Asellus Borealis, Asellus Australis, Iota Cancri, Tarf and Acubens. The brightest star is Beta Cancri or Tarf, an orange K-type star.

It is the one of the zodiac constellations located in the Southern Hemisphere near the equator. Its name came from the Latin word for "goat horn" or "horned goat" since the shape of this constellation shaped like horned goat. Also known as Sea Goat. The brightest star in this constellation is Deneb Algedi or Delta Capricorni, a multiple star system with a primary white giant star.

Canis Minor

It is a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere. It was named after a multiple headed sea snake in Greek Mythology. It is the largest of 88 constellations. The brightest star in this constellation is Alphard, an orange giant star.

The Newcomers
? Ursa Minor

? Cetus

The Contenders

It is a constellation in the Northern Sky named after a mythical bird in Greek Mythology. The brightest star in this constellation is Alpha Phoenicis or Ankaa, a binary star system with a primary orange giant star.
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