Top 10 Stupidest Things Chris-Chan Has Done
Chris-chan makes me regret being a huge Sonic the Hedgehog fan when I was a child; and the worst part? I'm on the autism spectrum. I hate Chris-chan so much! He deserves to be behind bars for the rest of his life.
You know, what? As horrid as him drinking his own semen made me think that it was the stupidest thing he has ever done, I think this item in particular is much more deserving of the first spot on my remix than the former item. The guy could have easily killed his parents in that fire, you know. I seriously need to put this on my remix right now.
There's no contest, this is Chris's most unforgivable act that got him kicked out of his own house and thrown in jail. He finally hurt somebody other than himself. Barb was far from the best person but nobody deserves what her own sicko son did to her.
A new low, even for the massive amount of sex offense scandals that began popping up in the late 2010s. I don't mean to A-Log, but he clearly needed to be placed in an institution by this point.
He (yes, he) should be banned from every convention, theme park, game store, etc for life. There is no excuse for what he did.
I'm surprised he didn't bleed to death or anything while doing this, and even if you wanted to change gender, you'd have to go through therapy.
I hope there's no photos of the results and if there is, please don't let me see it...
I am not even going to look up what a perineum is, sounds like porn to me.
What if someone hacks him or comes to his house to kidnap him? Seriously, what a bad example, he should not be doing that. He should be going to school to learn the dangers of the internet.
Good. That means someone can hire a professional hitman to break into his house and kill the little maniac.
What an Idiot! Doesn't he know that there are hackers out there that can steal your identity?
It makes me wonder how he's so fat since he wastes all his money on toys when he could be using it to eat more healthy so he wouldn't be so obese. You'd think he would be malnourished and all bony and anorexic because of how he prioritizes toys over his necessities.
I saw Chris in his recent video (the one with him curse-ya-hamehaing for the first time in a long while) where he had more toys he seemingly hoarded, and I have a feeling it's going to end up costing him his house again...anyone else agree?
People can have hobbies of collecting toys. I'm 22 and I collect plushies (but not all the time, I make sure to save my money for other important things).
Bro. Why did he do that?! Let me guess. Sonic. Cause if it is, I'm not surprised.
I have a feeling something like this will happen again...
That is just horrible. He deserves to be in jail.
There's freedom of speech and then there's just plain criminal threatening. Plus, I don't think even someone I despise like Trump deserves to have feel the wrath of a hideous sleazeball like Chris-chan.
I am kinda neutral on Trump, but dislike him more than like him. However, at least Trump is not a nasty sicko wasting his time doing useless and pointless things like this.
Apparently, he doesn't know how much trouble this could get him in. Threatening the president is a serious crime.
One thing I'm wondering is, why the hell does Chris STILL have a driver's license and is able to drive a car? He should have had his license revoked and be forbidden by law to use a motor vehicle, that hit and run he did on Michael is clear proof he's dangerous and he could have even killed him! - SailorSedna
Yeah, both he and his mom (who assaulted a cop) went to jail. They almost went to prison too (should have gone there).
Such an idiot assaulting real life people over a place he was hated in to begin with.
Trust me, as much as I don't want to believe it, he actually did this! I honestly had no idea why it wasn't on the list to begin with since I had to submit this item to the list. I just get goosebumps and unpleasant thoughts whenever I'm reminded of this event...
The fact that he actually did this proves how unpleasant this guy is. Literally I don't know why anyone would want to drink their own sperm in the first place.
Why is there even an image for this? Nobody wants to know how it looks like when you are about to drink your own sperm. That's just plain disgusting. This guy is mentally insane
This is just a poor man's Fat Francis breaking his Xbox 360. The only difference is that Fat Francis is actually funny. Chris-chan is NOT funny. He's just plain stupid.
This is a good thing because it put the PS3 out of it's misery. It was traumatized because Chris Chan humped it.
It deserved to be banned from using any Sony products as punishment for destroying PlayStation 3.
I just saw it and...Christ...
I feel so bad for Megan, I hope she's doing better now...
If curiosity gets the best of me, wish me luck I don't die.
Obviously, Megan didn't take it well.
I guess I'll just wear a T-shirt in public saying "SECURITY! " whenever he appears.
My faith in humanity just went a little lower.
Seriously what is wrong with this guy?
Nasty, he reminds me of he-who-must-not-be-named(you know who I am talking about). How can he show that on the internet? That is disgusting, never looking that up.
It's the closest thing to a partner he should be allowed to be near.
I saw a gif of this and...ugh, God. This would count as sex offense too, am I right?
Okay, I think I am losing my faith in humanity, how insane is this guy?
He also drew, er...traced his penis on a Sonichu page too.
How did he... Well that's just disturbing
I can't believe it. A preteen tricked a full grown man into driving all the way to Ohio to rescue his "girlfriend". Just shows how thick Chris is.
A Middle Schooler managed to fool a fully grown adult into driving to Ohio to rescue somebody.
Chris' parents threatened to disown him if he took another long trip.
I don't even know how he was able to even get a lawyer in the first place. But what's really stupid is that he basically went against one of the absolutely only people in the world that would be willing to defend him in a court case (at least for the money).
Dude can't even stay put when told to.
It's bad enough to do it, but why tell people?
This is why you don't rat yourself out.
Although he was blackmailed by Jack Thaddeus into doing this, it was still stupid of him to do this.
Also, don't let your curiosity get the better of you by watching this video.
I feel so sorry for that poor console.
He stole two copyrighted characters, which were nothing but garbage for children to begin with, and combined them into his own "creation," which he maintains is superior to everything else, just as he is superior to everyone else. The world will be a nicer and cleaner place when he ceases to breathe. Christopher Chandler is evil incarnate.
Even my Care Bears/Sailor Moon crossover art I did for fun (and ones I'm thinking of doing for Battle Skipper combined with some elements of Thunderbirds) are more creative.
This also shows how pathetic he is. He wanted to kill an entire company over Sonic's damn blue arms.
Yeah, uh, There are a million of them and only one of him. So, they could probably kick his butt before he does.
I can't believe he threatened to kill an entire company over something so minor.
Has he no shame for this? It's stuff like this that makes me wonder why he hasn't been imprisoned yet, especially since this could qualify as sex offense.
Whether it be tears of joy or sadness (or stupidity), all he ever did for himself at one of the greatest moments of anyone's life was humiliate himself in front of hundreds of students, parents, teachers, school staff, the principal, and pretty much setting himself up to be a loser when he grows up. Which, in this case, came true.
He actually did this? What a wimp. Me, I felt sad when I had to leave my school because I'd miss the friends I'd made among my classmates, teachers, principal, but I didn't cry like a baby at all, I still felt happy and proud (I even got to visit one of my teachers' house to see a dog of hers too).
Come on Chris, The poor woman was just doing her job. Leave her alone.
Chris can't differentiate fantasy and reality. What an idiot.
Mary lee walsh haven't done anything wrong as far as I know. she did her job. She tried to talk sence with him and he threat her,
Really, Chris? Ted Bundy was one of America's most notorious serial killers! There's no way he could have been framed.