Top Ten Best Little Moments In Life

Ahh...there are little moments when everything just feels right with the world, aren't there? Moments just like these...
The Top Ten
1 You wake up thinking it's a weekday but realise it's actually Sunday

My ultimate pleasure in life.

Very nice list!

Yay especially for us School Goers

Classic happy moment

2 You prove someone wrong

This feeling is just awesome! now I don't shove it in their face but I certainly will brag for just a moment

I actually hate having to do this, because I always feel bad. More often than not I just keep my mouth shut.

I'm good at this. Mainly because I know a lot of gullible morons.

I suck at this.

3 A stranger makes a random kind act

In a lot of cases, I wouldn't like that to be honest.

Everyone is a stranger to me

4 You finish what you started

Knowing me, I make plans but never finish them. It feels great to finish something I started, Can't tell you how many things on here I forgot to finish...

Particularly one of those creative endeavors that always pan out as time goes on and motivation dies...

5 There isn't a queue for public toilets

Queue is like, a crowded place or something. I have no idea how to pronounce it.

What's a queue? And how do you say that?

6 The bus just pulls in as you approach the bus stop
7 You like more than three songs on an album you've just bought

Oh yes! I love when this happens. It happens often, but I have bought albums I loved only one song of, and that feels such a waste of money. But when you love the whole CD, it's amazing!

You must really listen to some crappy music if every time you buy a cd you think that there will be only 3 good songs on it.

Ahhh, I absolutely love when this happens, though it is rare now and days.

8 You realise you have more money than you thought

A minor miracle for most people, a major miracle for a college student.

I once found five dollars in my backpack. I was sohappy. Seconds later I hadlike ten bars of chocolate in my hand.

One time I found sixty dollars in my coat pocket. Best day ever.

9 Someone pays you a compliment
10 Someone takes your good advice

I love that one Tina. I think someone taking your good advice would help you become more successful in life.

The Contenders
11 You wake up, you look at the clock and realise you still have 2 hours to sleep

That is why I set my alarm 2 hours before I have to wake up. I wake up feeling dreadful, but then realize I still have time to sleep, and automaticly feel delightful. Strange, I know, but it definitely can brighten anyone's day.

Not so great when you CAN'T SLEEP. I woke up at 3am today, and I wasn't very happy about being awake since.

Once I wake, there's no chance of falling back asleep. Can't fall asleep, can't stay asleep... I cry.

12 Your crush sits on your lap
13 Your crush smiles at you

Ah... that smile of her cute face and braces

That happened, I nearly blacked out.

I wish that would happen.

14 You actually got a higher mark on your test than you expected

This happened today in Communications Technology class. I thought I would get like a 6/10 or something, but not turns out I got a 9/10. I would have been fed up with the usual 6s and 7s on my test if I got that low on my test.

I had a statistics class and it was so hard. I struggled and failed a few tests and when finals were coming I swore that I was gonna fail the final as well. I ended up getting an A on the final.

15 Coming home on a Friday from school
16 You are partnered up with your crush

I sit next to my crush I'm Geography

17 There is just enough toilet paper
18 When your crush gives hints
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