MADHOUSE: The Tales of Rape (IX) PART 2 Rated 10+

2storm Sorry for this long time. But last time we left off Jack the Ripper hired a woman and made her spy on Positronwildhawk's house. Now nothing really happened until 9 months later. 3 months until Therandom has to go to America.

Therandom: Hey Positronwildhawk can we watch Family Guy.
Bobbythebrony: No let's watch Criminal Minds.
Ironsabbathpreist: No Dante Inferno is best.
Positronwildhawk: But I look discovery.
Castlevaniafan128: Let's just turn off TV.
Velitcabel: Yeah you American and British weirdos.
Delgia2k: Says the Philippines guy.
Jaystoptenlist: Just shut up.
Turkeyayslum: Yeah.
Therandom: Hey Dapperpickle mail is here it's your turn to get it.
Dapperpickle: Fine.

"At Mail Box"
Dapperpickle: Ahh Taxes, taxes, oh more taxes. Oh for Dapperpickle.
"Opens Mail and a green fume comes out and he falls. Jack the Ripper then comes and takes him to his lair."

"At his lair."
Jack the Ripper: How can I kill you.
Dapperpickle: Go ahead kill me.
"Jack the Ripper then Rapes and kills him."

Sorry it was short check out the next one this will be part of my MADHOUSE Marathon.


So Jack the Ripper is gay? - visitor

Most male rape isn't about homosexuality. It's to dominate and humiliate the victims - bobbythebrony

This is true. I should've thought about that. - visitor

Jack is a gae - Nateawesomeness