MADHOUSE: Don't Open It (X) Rated 10

2storm "At Positronwildhawk's House."

Therandom: Where is Dapperpickle?
Turkeyayslum: Probably went to go drink a beer.
Therandom: So three months until we go to America.
Bobbythebrony: Yeah time to go kill that *****
Castlevaniafan128: Yep.
Anonymous Chick: BOBBY STOP CUSSING!
"Therandom goes to his room."
Positronwildhawk: Oho. Where did Therandom go?
"They go to Therandom's room."
Turkeyayslum: Therandom don't open the letter.
"Therandom cries."
Therandom: I just want my dad back!
Delgia2k: Guys let's just leave him alone. "Takes the Letter."

In living room.
Anonymous Chick: I'm going to smoke a cigarette. "Looks at Delgia2k."
Anonymous Chick: Why do you have the letter?
Delgia2k: Safekeeping.
Anonymous Chick: Says the Robber. "Takes the letter and goes outside."

"Outside and she starts digging a hole and puts the letter in the hole. Then she lights a cigarette."
Anonymous Chick: Ohh.
"Jack the Ripper comes up behind her and slits her throat. He then digs up the hole and takes the letter and body to his lair."

"At his lair."
Jack the Ripper: Suckers.

Three episodes left in the season.


So she smokes? - visitor

Probably not in real life - 2storm

Okay then - bobbythebrony

Anoymous chick hock it's a trap - Nateawesomeness