A New Found Pleasure

2storm So this coming up September will be the beginning of my 4th year on this site and things have definitely changed since then. We used to be a site that had fun and had diversity. I think the lack of leadership is what really changed this site. When I first joined we had users like Positronwildhawk, Britgirl, and Ironsabbathpreist. They eventually passed it down to Turkeyayslum, then he passed it down to Puga and Therandom. Now though they have no one to pass it down to. The last time I was on this site was early December and since then I have really missed this site I have a new found pleasure. Now if me and other users could work for the better of this site.

This site is a opinion site so voice your opinion. We don't need 99% of the site making list about metal. This site needs diversity, it needs more people that voice their opinion. Now as for me I will try to voice my opinion more which I use to not do, but since this site needs leadership I feel like I need to.

Finally this site needs personality. Right now there are literally no differences in personality. It's like half the people on this site are the same people. We need that to change.

In Conclusion, we need leadership and people need to start voicing them selves and try to improve this site for the better of all.


I guess so. that's the problems I saw when I came back I believe around last September. Nothing different since them. - visitor

Agreed. These days, the site is very monochromatic, but we have some very good users around who are still making intriguing lists. You'll see them on the newest lists page, and they really stand out. Check those lists out rather than the most popular, and the tables will turn, and those people will be much more memorable in everyone's eyes. I know I'm not as active here as I used to be, but I do have a lot more responsibilities than I used to. But the more we can all put together, the better we can be as a whole. - PositronWildhawk

Amen! A new generation needs to get the message that some of our time has gone by, but keep it alive by listening to those who know what its like to have the ups, and downs in between both the social, and real life situations. What persona do you live by? - visitor

For now, since Puga and I have reunited, we will lead this community for the time being. Once I leave, Puga and will have to find a replacement for me, or lead on his own - visitor

I'll do it - NuMetalManiak

Exactly. We need more variety in our content. The best way to do this is making lists in the 'miscellaneous' category(except WWE lists), it might be hard, but those kind of lists usually are the best. - styLIShT