B1ue Rants: RiceGum

B1ueNew Welcome to the First episode of B1ue rants,, This series is a series of a certain youtuber or a movie, Or a video game, or Youtube trends or types of youtubers or bad music or anything that I dislike, And make a rant on them, This is my first episode on the youtuber who is, possibly my least favorite youtuber, Right next to Onion boy, Hope you guys enjoy this and you guys can give me suggestions on other bad youtubers or other bad things that I'll check out

Ok Lemme just start off with
What the HECK is Youtube.com anymore?, As you guys Mau know Youtube is a website full of uhhhhhh "Content", yeah content, A website where you can watch enterainment videos, You know watch a bit of Logan Paul at 3am, than some Fortnite short films by your boy Newscapepro and Little Lizard, than watch some of that good old Ali-A, those Fortnite videos that definetly aren't misleading or clickbait, You could watch videos like N&A productions where he pretends to call Pikachu at 3am,

Then you have Kim Jong Ew cousin, Oh wait I'm sorry I meant Asian Jake Paul, oh that's not the name i meant Jackie Chan but a little idiot, I mean Kanye with no talent, Oh i remembered, Soulja Boy!, Oh i'm sorry Bryan liar, aka Ricegum,

Another thing. I want to say before I start on this rant, I just want to say HOW much youtube has gone downhill, How it has declined in great content, Why?, Becuase a LOT of my favorite youtubers are going DOWNHILL TOO!, Pewdiepie is killing every meme the first day the meme actually becomes a meme, And is getting not too many views, H3H3 and Idubbbz are barely uploading any content, Only like 1 video once a month, I mean come on, I want Content Cop Ninja or Content Cop Onision Idubbbz!, And don't get me started on Smosh, Smosh has been going downhill since 2015, and has gotten worse since Anthony left, Markiplier and Jacksepticeye's channels are slowly dying a bit, TheOdd1sout's content isn't as good as it was, And pink guy has officialy quit, The Only good Youtubers left Are Rhett and Link and Pyrocynical which even at that point, Aren't as good as they used to be, Like make Youtube great again! But without further ado, Let's get right into the rant on ricegum,

The intro the the Rant
So Ricegum (Aka Kim jong Un's skinny nephew) Real name Bryan Lee, Is known for his crappy Diss tracks, Roasting cringeworthy kids from Musically, Let's just start off with when he got popular, He got popular in 2016, I actually never heard of him until 2018 (And i wish it would of stayed like that, Because know i want lose faith in Youtube because of this guy), He started off roasting little kids, Like come on, Like that hasn't been done before, People criticize Leafy for bullying kids, Yet they don't hate on this guy, I will admit some of RiceGum's older roasts were a but funny, But man his attitude though, He really needs to grow up, at least Leafy could be a bit funny, In my opinion Ricegum is way worse than Leafy, I mean they both roast kids for their appearances but Rice is probably worse in my opinion

The Gabbie Show drama
In April of 2017, or March of that year, RiceGum was at a party with a few other Youtubers He saw the Gabbie Show there, When they met, From what i heard, Gabbie was annoying Rice, by recording Snapchat or Instagram videos of RiceGum at the party, Rice didn't like this, So what did he do?, Did he either choice A. Ask for her to please just stop B. Just tried to leave or Ignore her or C. Smack her phone and get it cracked, If you picked something other than C than your incorrect, WHY THE HECK WOULD YOU SMACK AND CRACK SOMEONE'S PHONE?, Not only is it just right up Disrespectful. It is also very rude because Phones cost a lot of Money, know i would be bothered if Someone kept trying to record me, But still why smack the phone right off their hand?

So you all know how Idubbbz criticized ricegum for being unfunny and a hypocrite right? Well Idubbbz isn't wrong! Ricegum cannot take a joke at all! Markiplier showed a 1 second clip off ricegum being garbage, then rice boi made a full video about it! Like come on man! It's just a joke no need to make an over extended video for revenue on it, Another simple joke rice got mad at was when TheOdd1sout made a joke about him on his buying clothes video, Then ricegum threatened him and made a full video over 1 joke clip. Thank goodness Idubbbz roasted this Idiot.

Diss tracks:
So i saved the worst for last, It is Ricegum's so called "Music" Oh gosh, These diss tracks are so awful! Lemme start off with how Frick the Police is probably one of the worst songs i have ever heard. It shouldn't be called a diss track in any way. Most of the so called "disses" are just stupid insults and lame roasts to Idubbbz himself, Idubbbz diss track is way better. His other songs suck too. He made a Fortnite & Chill song which is so cringe and just as cringeworthy as Musicaly and Tiktok and this is coming from someone who defends fortnite a lot. Now i see why people call the Fortnite community awful. Thanks to this idiot, And the last one I want to talk about is It's Every night sis, which you may think is a everyday bro parody, No it's just a lame diss track, And it's very hypocritical too. They criticize Jake Paul and Team 10 for flexing when Ricegum is FLEXING too! With a Lamborghini and house in the background now tell me that's not flexing right there! Honestly it's still better than Everyday bro itself. But It's mediocre. Probably ricegum's least terrible song. He has more crappy diss tracks but I'm not covering those for right now. All of his diss tracks suck and only flex and use stupid insults like "Gay", "Autism" "School shooter" and appearance roasts either way that's it.

So yeah Ricegum is definetly my least favorite youtuber. He is terrible and makes crappy videos and is clickbait as well. It's so sad what youtube has become. It's just not good anymore. At least we still have Pyrocynical and Nigahiga and others but eh. So yeah that's my rant on Ricegum tell me what to rant on next. Either way that's it for thos blog post rant.


This is my first rant, For a first blog rant it's actually OK - B1ueNew

I think your grammar needs to improve. - iliekpiez

Ok - B1ueNew

Great rant! You gave you me reasons to not watch this abomination "youtuber". I'd suggest maybe ranting on DanTDM or your least favourite Mario game - visitor

Seeming as I am expecting a rant on the MCU from you, please do it better than Vox did it. - iliekpiez

Ok but one question, who's vox? - B1ueNew

Some YouTuber - iliekpiez

I actually liked the 2016 Bryan where he’d make fun of cringe kids. Now he’s just become the second Jake Paul. - visitor

Do a Battlefield V rant or video game rants - visitor

It's sad I can't turn Bryan into a dolphin - visitor