Ways SJWs are Worse than Anti-SJWs

The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 They blindly hate Donald Trump, his family, and people who support him

Like anti-sjws don't blindly hate on Clinton and people who support diversity, feminism, etc.,etc without being called a libtards femnazi.

I don't care for Trump, but geez, SJWs treat him like the spawn of Satan or something.

Look, I may not think trump is perfect, but almost everyone hates on him TOO MUCH!

Yeah, all because random people hate him. I like him.

2 Anti-SJWs aren't ruining society like SJWs are


3 Anti-SJWs follow facts instead of feelings

False. Many anti-sjws lately have been using feelings and opinions even though they get mad when a sjw used feelings and opinions.

So what about white genocide? I'm pretty sure than "following feelings instead of facts."

*cough* white genocide


4 Anti-SJWs can enjoy normal things that SJWs dub as offensive

Almost everything someone does is offensive to them, it doesn't matter what, they will come up with a reason why it is offensive. Get a life people

I can enjoy

*The OK Sign
*Dr. Seuss

Unlike liberals

5 Anti-SJWs respect American traditions (Boy Scouts, Miss America, etc)

Yeah, Boy Scouts are better than Gay Scouts

6 SJWs want to better society, but they are ruining it

No, they do not want a "better" society, they merely want to destroy the current one, so that they can feel powerful and validated.


7 Anti-SJWs can take a joke; SJWs can't

Yeah, like The Pencil of Doom and Crooked Hillary.

Says the same people that get trigged by a Trump meme and/or joke.

8 Anti-SJWs are better-looking than SJWs

And we can't forget Paul Jospeth Watson... I'm a man, but MAN! Is his neck popping up and down sexy.

Most sjws are fat/ugly

For women, Sh0eonHead and Barbara4u2c are attractive, and for men, Hunter Avallone

9 Anti-SJWs don't support pedophilia

You guys seriously still talking about that (admittedly disgusting) Salon article? (and using it to strawman all 'SJWs')

Also, didn't Milo Yiannopolous say something that essentially amounted to 'pedophilia can be fine'?

*cough Milo Yiannopolous cough*


That’d actually a good thing.

10 Anti-SJWs believe you need to work to get what you want
