Top Ten Worst Things About Final Exams

Finals are nothing but a torture chamber you have to go through every end of the semester in your high school years. They’re pointless, really stressful, and you can’t even use the bathroom. I mean seriously, can’t there just be an alternative to show what students learned rather than making them do a long torturous test. Can’t the schools just realize that this is damaging our mental and physical health rather than helping students learn. So I added these items to show the drawbacks of final exams.

The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 They put too much stress

Haha that picture describes it perfectly. The amount of stress is unreal during an exam.

So much so, in fact, that you can get confused about the time of the exam & miss it!

Yes! We have to study for hours! And your parents get mad at you when you fail.

Indeed. Teachers expect us to fill out huge tests with every single unit we’ve learned.

2 You have to memorize everything

Oh my god story of my life my stepdad made me make me get up at 5am and make me stay up until 10 pm It just to study all day for a dumb final

3 Once finals start, you can’t leave the classroom

Teachers are just assuming any student that goes to the bathroom will cheat. But what about your health? Using the bathroom isn’t a privilege, it’s a human right.

Not even using the toilet? What if you really need to? I don’t want to pee or poop in my pants.

4 They’re a waste of time
5 Even when you finish early, the worst is not over

Even when you finish your exam early and have a lot of spare time, you can’t go on your phone or computer thus you’ll be sitting around bored

6 You are being forced to take a test with hundreds of questions
7 You have to do it
8 They are taken way too seriously

If I fail one final I will be grounded to my room the whole summer

9 They are boring and lame
10 You won’t be able to see what grade you got on it until you find out in your report card
The Contenders
11 The questions are hard
12 It makes people look lazy

When doing final exams, you're not doing anything but sitting on a chair, writing on a piece of paper filling in the bubbles of a scantron.

13 They are unfair

Yeah. I have finals at the end of each semester. And the first semester ends at late January. So I have to study for a bit of winter break. >:(

14 It keeps getting harder
15 They take forever to finish
16 When the exam starts, students who are late won’t get let in the school
17 Teachers think it’s a good way to see what students learned
18 Waste of paper and ink
19 They cause arguments
20 Worrying
21 There are no benefits from it
22 So Many Rules and No Freedom
23 No teacher to help you
24 Even the review packet is stressful