Top Ten AC:NH Villagers

Animal crossing is a very popular game and has been going for a long time. This is a list of the best villagers from the newest game Animal crossing: New horizons
The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten

Raymond has the smug personality. He wears glasses has a catchphrase of "crisp" as in clean and his house is an office. He is everyone's dream to have.


Judy has the snooty personality. Her design is very interesting and her eyes make her adorable. Her catchphrase is "my oh my". She is a very cute bearcub


Marshal has the smug personality. The squirrel has a grumpy look on his face and a catchphrase of "sulky" to match it. This makes him super cute though


Sasha is a bunny new to the update. He is lazy and has super cute eyes. Being a lazy villager also makes him funny and have a cute voice. Everyone loves Sasha


Ankha is a snooty cat. She is one of the most unique characters being egyptian with a pyramid inside her house. Her catchphrase is "swanky" and she is amazing



Bob is a lazy cat. He is one of the first animal crossing villagers to ever be created. His design is simple but cool and he has a smug, relaxed look on his face


Shino is a peppy deer new to the update. She loves talking to everybody and has devil horns on her head. Having a super interesting design makes her popular


Dom is a jock villager which was unexpected. He has really giant cute eyes and wears colorful bright clothes. He talks about his muscles which he doesn't have


Marina is a normal/sweet octopus. She has a really cute aesthetic and wears colorful clothes. She will help everyone out in a kind and cute way


Zucker is lazy octopus villager. He is also lazy and is unique. He is based off an item from Japan and even has chopsticks on his head. He is a hilarious villager

The Contenders