CBBC Shows that were Cancelled Way Too Soon

CBBC is pretty rubbish now but back then they had tons of great shows.... and then murdered them in their warm beds LETS LOOK AT SOME also RIP Mya-Lecia Naylor she may not have starred in any of these but death at 16 is always tragic
The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 Little Howard's Big Question

I loved this show when I was young and when I watched on YouTube it had not lost any of it's charm Howard is great in this the comedy is really entertaining without being too childish the stories made sense and actually taught me stuff! and hell Howard read is not doing anything now I mean would it be too ambitious the bring it back?


2 Bear Behaving Badly

This was another one of those shows that has not lost any of the charm no matter how old I am. The best thing about the show was how ridiculous the concepts were it had that exact formula to keep an excitable child glued to their T.V..

I love this show so much :D

3 Sorry I got no head

This hands down was the funniest show on CBBC in its time. It was basically many great skits fused together at the spine. The skits are that special blend of good comedy that means they did not need to swear or even be remotely crude or vulgar yet nearly all of them have a great punchline.

4 Absolute Genius with Dick and Dom

Another one filed under the informative but funny this show was brilliant as it taught kids tons of stuff but yet making the show a joy to sit through.

5 Deadly 360

One more people are not aware of is Deadly 360 it was basically a spinoff of deadly 60 which got a stupid amount of spinoffs and series it gets spared but this show was really interesting as it showed animals hunting while showing the science behind them the T.V. shows were always jam packed with knowledge and action making it an extremely fun watch.

6 DNN: Definitely not Newsround

Stupidly funny news channel not much else to say.


Really funny skits and sketches like sorry I got no head but still deserves a comeback.

8 Ed and oucho's excellent inventions

This show was brilliant Ed and his puppet cactus went around creating inventions for children.

9 The ministry of curious stuff

Ridiculous but interesting and the songs were extremely memorable.

10 Prank Patrol

This prank show was very good the theme song was brilliant the pranks were always amazing and even though the Australian version was better either one making a comeback with the same presenters would do wonders for CBBC