YouTube Review #3: Don´t hug me i´m scared

Martinglez Watch it first please.
So here´s an interesting video. Looks normal enough. I´ll click it just for the sake of it.
Said Martin the day he watched the video. He there watched one of the creepyest and most psicotic videos on YouTube.
Hello and welcome to the review of Don´t Hug Me I´m Scared. A video that might look normal, but is very psicotic and has an ingenious twist.

So three friends are sitting on a table (this sounds like the start of a joke), and this talking notebook starts singing about being creative. It´s all made in puppet style, so it actually looks like a kid show at first, but the notebook turns progresivelly more evil. He repeats stuff. As he teaches them how to be creative, he destroys stuff that is actually creative (like a clown picture that one of the pupets). Well, it progresively gets weirder and weirder, until the creepy part. The scene suddenly turns into a virtual world, and when it goes back to the puppet world, well things get weird.

-The characters look diferent (specially the yellow one).

-There are live hearts on the collages they were making.

- They can sometimes be seen dancing in a way that would fit perfect in Hotline Bling by Drake. It´s creepier, though.

-There´s a storm going on outside.

-They sometimes appear cutting a normal looking cake filled with organs and blood.

-There´s a shot of a collage that says death.

It´s all just creepy and psicotic.

Finally the notebook says: Now let´s all agree to never be creative again

And the video ends.

Even though it was creepy, i wasn´t scared.

First time i watched:
Oh god what´s happening? What is this? Whoah, this is creepy, never watching this again.

Well that aside, this is actually a genious parody of modern kid shows with an unexpected twist. I was surprised, and so were all of you the first time you watched. It´s a good video, it even spawned various sequels. Show it to your friends.´s genious. But don´t enjoy it too much, people will consider you a psicopath.

So remember, you can suggest the next video for me to review. Bye.


Video: Terminator vs RoboCop
Channel: ERB - bobbythebrony