Best Looking Uli Jon Roth's Sky Guitars

Uli Jon Roth, best known for his work in Scorpions though he has a solo career as well, invented the concept of Sky Guitars and actually created a line of guitars. The first Sky guitar prototype was built in 1983.

His Sky guitars include strong aesthetic considerations.
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The Top Ten
1 Sky 5 / Rembrandt Sky
2 Sky 4 / Mighty Wing

It was finished in 1989.
I will add images because descriptions just can't replace the pictures.

3 Sky 6 / Jeannie-Bianca

Completed in 2010

4 Sky 3 / Emperor
5 Sky 8 / Lionheart
6 Sky 7 / Infinity Sky
7 Sky 2 / Purple Sky

The available images on the net din't fit and I couldn't add one.
In general, this guitar looks like Sky 1 / Dolphin Sky but Sky 1 is blue, Sky 2 is purple.

8 Sky 9 / Mighty New Dawn

A double-neck Sky with 13 strings, completed in 2015

9 Sky 1 / Dolphin Sky

The first Sky Guitar prototype built in 1983

10 only 9 items