A Short Lil' Update! (Not really important, but read if you would like.)
MontyPython Sup guys!Current music: A Quick One, While He's Away - The Who
So anyways, I'm going to be gone for about four days in Minnesota visiting my cousins with *GASP* NO WI-FI!!!! Ah, the horror! I'm already gone basically, but I managed to get to a coffee shop, and I am currently having a coffee topped with caramel and whipped cream! Yum! Whenever I get connected to the interwebs, I'll try to contact you guys. Oh, and college is going great so far! 😉
Love ya!
Okay - bobbythebrony
Minnesota! I've always wanted to go there! But my moms like its to far away!
Well...my friend wants to say something
(•_______•) I have no idea what time it is? - Danguy10
(•-•)-o (He's holding a watch.)
(•-•)-o "I have no idea how to breathe." - MontyPython