MontyPython's Grand 200 Follower Special! AN UNBELIEVABLE CONTEST!
MontyPython GUYS!!!Thank you! Thank you so much!
Okay, if it isn't obvious, I have reached thy 200 followers mark! I really can't keep this stupid grin off my face, haha!
Anyways, for this extra special... Special, I'm going to request you guys... A QUIZ about myself. Whoever in the comments gets the most answers right wins this....
1. A blog about something they choose.
2. A list about anything they choose.
3. At least 50 votes on their lists from myself.
4. And another blog, giving them a spectacular shoutout!
This contest will last until the 20th of January, 2016!
Rules: You cannot cheat by going through my account and remixes. If you do, then... I dunno... Shame on you! And if you don't know, give a random guess.
1. What's my favorite The Who song?
2. Who's my favorite actor?
3. What's my real name?
4. What's my favorite movie?
5. Who's my favorite member of Led Zeppelin?
6. What's my favorite Beatles album?
7. What's my favorite heavy metal band?
8. What is my favorite color?
9. What's my favorite album overall?
10. What's my least favorite movie?
Once again, thanks for the 200 followers!
In the words of Roger Daltrey.....
1. Won't Get Fooled Again
2. John Cleese
3. Ashton (? )
4. Clockwork Orange
5. Page (? )
6. Abbey Road (? )
7. Iron Maiden (if I am right, good choice)!
Don't know the rest :/ sorry. I'll be back. - IronSabbathPriest
I will take it, but not now. You earned the followers too. - visitor
Thank you! - MontyPython
1. Won't Get Fooled Again
2. John Cleese
3. Ashton
4. A Clockwerk Orange
5. John Bonham
6. A Day in the Life
7. Metallica
8. Black
10.? - bobbythebrony
1. I'll tip my hat to the new constitution, take a bow to the new revolution…
2. Charlie Chaplin?
3. Ashley
4. Gone With the Wind
5. Bonzo?
6. Abbey Road
7. Total shot in the dark, but Black Sabbath?
8. Blue?
9. Um… Who's Next?
10. Cars 2? - PetSounds
Crap, I really blew this. - PetSounds
Won't Get Folled Again
John Cleese
A Clockwork Orange
Robert Plant
A Hard Days Night
Iron Maiden
Blue(? , everyone likes blue)
The Wall
Birdemic: Shock and Terror
Anyways, congrats for getting 200 Followers! You deserved it! ^.^ - visitor
Change #2 to Charlie Chaplin though! - visitor
I don't know any of the answers, but congrats on the 200 followers! - Martinglez
I just know your real name, Ashton, but congrats on the 200 followers - Martinglez
Thanks! ( ^ ▽ ^ )ノ - MontyPython
1) Wont Get Fooled Again
2) Charlie Chaplan
3) Asthon
4) Clockwork Orange
5) Robert Plant
6) Abbey Road (? ) Rubber Soul(? )
7) Iron Maiden
8) Green
9) The Wall
10) Birdemic: Shock and terror - Cheese567
A quick one while he's away
Graham Chapman
A clockwork orange
Robert Plant
Abbey Road
Iron Maiden
Led Zeppelin IV
Sunny, Danteem, Justin & Linnea Meet The Muppets - Billyv
I'm a moron. A Hard Days Night was actually my first thought, then I succumbed to the more popular choice. I should have continued to have more faith in your uniqueness. Of course, other answers I completely blew and have no lame excuses for. - Billyv
Are we predicting what your answers will be on Jan 20? It's not like you never change your top picks... - Billyv
I'll make sure not to change em. (That is, after the 20th of course. 😉) - MontyPython
Well, we usually talk about stuff other than that, but I bet your favorite color is black! - Garythesnail
1. No idea..
2. John Cleese(not sure who he is but I hear you like him)
4.Clockwork Orange
5.No idea.
6. Abbey Road?
9. Not sure about that. Something from Beatles?
10. Cars 2. - Garythesnail
1. No idea who they are
2. John cleese
3. Ashton
4. Monty Python and the holy grail
5. Don't know them too well
6. Dunno
7. Ummm
8. Green
9. Not sure
10. Frozen
Sorry I didn't do so well - visitor
Congrats on 200 followers. You earned it - FerrariDude64