It's Not a Birthday Today, It's an Anniversary of a Death.

MontyPython Well... It's December 8. Seems pretty normal. Although, do you know who was killed on this same day? ...... What... You don't know?

Jealous Guy..?
Mind Games..?
In My Life..?
A Day In the Life..?

That's right. John Lennon was shot and killed on the exact day. Well, I'm dedicating this blog to one of my greatest heroes.

Rest In Peace, John. We miss you.

Peace! ✌


ПŽ¶Deep in the darkest night, I send out a prayer to you
Now in the world of light, where the spirit's free of the lies
And all else we despised
They've forgotten all about God
He's the only reason we exist
Yet you were the one who they said was so weird
All those years ago were the one who said it so clear
All those years ago said it all but not many had ears
All those years ago point the way to the truth when you say
All you need is love... 🎶

-George's tribute song
🌈 - Billyv

Poor Lennon - Martinglez

Rip John Lennon - bobbythebrony

Rest In Peace. - SamuiNeko

The Guy From The Germs - BeatlesFan1964