Top 10 Lamest Batman Villains

The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 Condiment King

Shoots ketchup and mustard... really dc?

If you do not like ketchup or mustard there is no way this villain is the tough

2 Polka Dot Man

Is there really an explanation needed why he’s on here?

3 The Penny Plunderer

He’s so bad DC wrote him out of there stories

This dude is horrid

4 Egg Head

He’s anything but eggscelent

5 Calendar Man

He’s pretty lame, but he was cool in the Arkham games.

6 Ten Eyed Man

The dude can’t even pick any thing! How does he eat? How does he pick anything up?

7 The Eraser

He has potential, but his cheesy costume kinda ruins him.

8 Kite Man

He’s literally named after chairlie brown.

9 Zebra Man

Literally the cheesiest thing ever,

10 Zodiac Master

He’s a very strange character.