Top Tens Battles 21 - Mind Destruction 16

Skullkid755 The theme song plays and the show starts.

Positron - "Wait, no! Anti Admin, Linnea, and Danteem have to be fought by us now!"
A person called Nateawesomeness is now seen.
Nateawesomeness - "You're not alone, you have me."
TopTenPizza - "And Tumblr, in about three, two, one."
A army of Tumblr users arrives at the Top Tens in a large spacecraft.
They get out and begin to battle.
Britgirl - "Go gather your own army, Skeletor . . . an army of Meme Mages to help us out in the Battle for Life and Freedom.
Skeletor - "Okay, M8."
TopTenPizza - "Hope you come back safely."
Skeletor - "If I don't, at least I may not die in vain."
SirSkeletorthe3rd goes to the Meme Magic Academy to gather an army.
The journey to get the Academy will take 1 hour at his current speed.
Linnea then attempts to attack Nateawesomeness by punching him in the stomach.
Nateawesomeness dodges and grabs Linnea's left ankle.
He then spins around and throws Linnea 100 feet into the air.
Linnea then uses a Power Blast from above and damages Nate.
Nate is knocked down on his back.
Nate attempts to get up, but is hit by another Power Blast from Linnea.
Nate then dodges the next one and counterattacks with his Energy Bomb.
Linnea dodges and counterattacks with 10 missiles.
All of them miss.
3 of them run into the ground and the rest are redirected towards Danteem by Tumblr users.
Danteem is then hit three times by Therandom's Power Punches.
Danteem-"You're, Dead Meat!"
Therandom - "That show sucks!"
Therandom then tears Danteem's left hand off.
The hand regenerates, and the one that was torn off is destroyed by Danteem, and the result is a huge wall around Dantereturns's
preserved body.
Danteem - "That's a Life Wall, as long as the regenerated version of that part is alive, then that means the wall want fall down."
Therandom - "Wait, all we need to do is cut his hand off again, and then we'll be able to destroy Dantereturns !"
Skeletor then shows up with an army of Meme Mages.
Several of them put their staffs together in order to use a power up called Over 9000, (which uses memes to increase your power energy).
They became more powerful and then started using Meme Magic to create fire and tornadoes. They also summoned water from nearby to create waves and powerful streams that could do lots of damage. Eventually, after minutes of fighting, Danteem was knocked out. He then fused with Linnea to form Dantinnea.
Martinglez then used a Power Blast in order to hit them in the head.
Martinglez then used the Energy Hand to move the ground around them up and restrict them.
Dantinnea managed to break out and knocked Martinglez out.
Nate fused with Therandom while Skeletor fused with TopTenPizza to form Naterandom and SkeletorPizza.
Dantinnea then uses his Army Revival spell in order to create an army of the Undead, which was originally Danteem's army and Linnea's army.
The Meme Mages and Tumblr users then focused on defeating that army.
Dantinnea - "Ha, as long as we are alive, those zombies will be animated forever."
disc at the left hand and sliced it off!"
Naterandom - "Now!"
SkeletorPizza threw a knife into Dantinnea's hand so fast the hand was sliced off.
Positron then ran over to Dantereturns.
Positron heard a power blast coming from Dantinnea so he jumped out of the way.
The power blast his Dantereturns and destroyed his heart.
Dantinnea was then weakened and unfused.
Naterandom then unleashed an Instant Death Move, which required the heart to be hit directly and have enough energy pushed through it.
The Instant Death Move led to the death of Linnea, so Danteem used his Anger is Power Move,which caused his energy level to become unlimited for 5 minutes.
Naterandom - "His energy, is infinite!"
Danteem punched Naterandom and caused him to be pushed back 999 feet, and then unfuse.
Positron - "If they're part robot, then that means, we can mess up his Bionics, causing him to not move right,and being able to kill him easily."
Positron then got out a special device called the "Androbug Bomb".
Nate hit Danteem several times just like Therandom and TopTenPizza and Skeletor.
Skullkid755 pushed him into the ground 70 feet below the surface.
Positron then landed three strong kicks into his left side, and then smashed his A.Bug Bomb into him.
Several small mechanical bugs came out of it and attached to him.
When Danteem tried to attack, he damaged himself and fell.
Nate then used Instant Death and killed him.
Keyson - " We won,almost. Time to slay Anti Admin."
Skeletor - "Well, I have someone to kill myself. I hate Bobby!"

To be continued.


Cool - bobbythebrony

Awesome - Martinglez

Oh Tumblr, it's actually quite funny. - visitor

Niceee - visitor

Amazing - Nateawesomeness

This is the weirdest thing ever. - 2storm