Pet Peeves 2 - TheTopTens

Skullkid755 Here we chat about our pet peeves for the website we use now.

Categories (creating):
  • Lists -
  • Posts-
  • Messages-
  • Bio-
  • Profile Pic -
  • Comment-
Categories (reading):
  • Lists-
  • Posts-
  • Messages-
  • Bio-
  • Profile pic-
  • Comment -
Say em in the comments.

Oh wait,forgot :
Admin (actions) -


I'm gonna be as nice as possible. I get so irritated at the lists and comments made by visitors and some users. Mostly because of the stupidity they contain - bobbythebrony

Lists: Forgetting to save
Posts: Same as lists
Messages: One word, autocorrect
Bio: Again, Forgetting to save
Profile Pic: Forgetting to click the change pic button
Comment: Accidental grammar mistakes

Lists: Troll items
Posts: Accidentaly going out of it
Messages: I actually have no problem here
Bio: When it's extremely long and you have already read it before
Profile Pic: No idea
Comment: Comments with no arguments or reasons

Admins: Comment deleting - Martinglez

Lists: Have to make 10 items nowadays...
Posts: Not saving
Messages: Autocorrect
Bio: Never made one
Profile Pic: Making a profile pic mobile.
Comment: Grammar mistakes.

Lists: 2016
Posts: Poor grammar, or terrible content
Messages: Links that don't work
Bio: Too dramatic or long
Profile Pic: Poor image quality(yes, I'm guilty of this)
Comment: Immature, uneducated, hypocritical comment.

Admin: Where do I begin? The policy, their terrible rules, their unwillingness to listen to users, trying to censor the site, their terrible changes, and their bias towards users. - visitor

Lists:me making big mistakes which results in a lot of critisism
Posts:Having to restart because of terrible internet - Nateawesomeness

Whoops didn't make them all,anyways,onto the rest of the creating catagorie,
Messages:grammar mistakes when replying to a grammar nazi
Bio:telling corny jokes in it
Profile pic:Having to get a picture
Comment:making innacurate stuff

Now for the Reading catagorie

Lists:Sexist lists
Posts:bashing my opinions
Messaging:actually I got no problem
Bio:when I find a blog series sign ups section and I want to join but it says sign ups closed
Profile picture:when someone uses a girl picture but their really a guy(not because it's creepy,but because I get fooled with their gender)
Comment:frozen fan comments - Nateawesomeness

My only pet peeves are the visitors who make comments about users where they don't know what they are talking about...and about creating posts...



Lists:Making Big mistakes I was not aware of
Posts:Too short of a storyline
Messaging:Grammer Mistakes
Bio:Making it to short
Profile Pic:When I have a hard time thinking of it
Comment:Not respecting opinions

Lists:Sexist Ones
Posts:Ones that make bad arguments
Messaging:When its disrespectful
Bio:When most of it is one word but repeated 100 times(SamuiNeko)
Profile pic:When it's a girls butt(Thankfully this is not Instagram
Comment:When its one of Disney1994's tangets - Nateawesomeness

Categories (creating):
Lists - Pointless
Posts - Bad grammar
Messages - No idea what to say
Bio - Forgot what to put
Profile Pic - Nothing
Comment - Forgot what to put

Categories (reading):
Lists - Troll lists
Posts - Overly dramatic
Messages - Waiting for too long for a reply
Bio - Long info
Profile pic - No idea what is this
Comment - Troll comments - BorisRule

Categories (creating):
Lists - admin returning your lists
Posts- I don't really have one
Messages- sending messages to the wrong person
Bio- having a really good idea for one but forgetting it
Profile Pic - accidently pressing the "X"
Comment- clicking save votes (or skip commenting) on accident

Categories (reading):
Lists- immature lists
Posts- extremely short posts
Messages- getting messages from a troll
Bio- name: "I forgot"
Profile pic- the blank profile pic
Comment - extremely long rants

Admin (actions) - 4 warnings from admin - visitor