Night of the Living Pugas

TeamRocket747 WIP
(Scene opens where we left Videogamefan5. Admin walks up to him.)
Videogamefan5 : I'm going back for them!
Admin : You can't help them now!
(A Puga zombie presses its face against the glass.)
Admin and Videogamefan5 : (scream)
(Admin squishes the zombie into the revolving door.)
Admin : Quick! Find something to block this door!
Barneythedinosaurrocks : It ain't gonna be easy without ruinin' the feng shui of the lobby.
Admin : Hurry! (A zombie rips his sleeve.) I'm exposed!
Videogamefan5 : Admin, use this! (Tosses the Band aid Patch to him.)
Admin : (catches the patch) Thanks! (He covers the rip with the patch.)
(Wildhawk blocks the door with a plant.)
Admin : Nice work, bro! Thanks, Videogamefan5! Are you all right?
Videogamefan5 : I'm all right.
Admin : Barneythedinosaurrocks, you okay?
Barneythedinosaurrocks : I'm okay? (to JacksonTop10) You okay?
JacksonTop10 : I am fine.
(A Puga zombie appears behind JacksonTop10 and touches his face.)
Puga zombie : Lots of me...
JacksonTop10 : (gasps and screams as he transforms)
Barneythedinosaurrocks : JACKSONTOP10!!!!
JacksonTop10 : Lots of...
Puga zombie (JacksonTop10)
Barneythedinosaurrocks : (takes off his clown mask) That's it!
Admin : barneythedinosaurrocks, what are you doing?
Barneythedinosaurrocms : Look, I just lost my nerd! I'm not gonna lose the rest of my friends, too! (takes off his rubber duckies)
Admin : But, Barneythedinosaurrocks, that's—
Barneythedinosaurrocks : (stripping down to his underdrawers) Come on, you freaks! Fresh meat! (screams) Yippee-ki-yay, you Puga freaks! Yippee-ki—
(Outside, he gets touched and transforms.)
Barneythedinosaurrocks : (offscreen) Lots of...
Puga zombie (Barneythedinosaurrocks)
Admin : Y'know, he really could've been bait without taking his clothes off.
Videogamefan5 : Uh, yeah.
(Cut to teamrocket747 surrounded by the S10TR-Pugas and the Puga zombies.)
Puga zombies : Lots of me..., etc.
Puga zombie (Season 10 troll destroyer ChuckECheese) : (Growls)
(A helicopter whirs overhead.)
Puga : teamrocket747, need a ride? (a rope ladder drops down from the chopper) Oh, oh, oh, wait, I should've said, "Need a lift?" That's what— I totally missed it.
(Teamrocket747 climbs up the rope ladder and into the chopper to safety.)
Puga : It's much safer up here, huh? You might still wanna buckle up, though. It's my first time flying a helicopter.
(Teamrocket747 buckles up.)
(Cut back to the lobby. Admin and Wildhawk blockade the revolving door with the water cooler.)
Admin : That'll hold for now. But we gotta move before—
(A zombie makes his way through the door somehow.)
Admin : Really?! Come on, guys! Head for the stairs!
Puga zombies : Lots of me..., etc.
Admin : (attempts to open the stairway door) It's locked!
Videogamefan5 : Now what?!
Admin : Any ideas?
Videogamefan5 : I got nothin'!
Admin : Wildhawk?
Wildhawk : I'm petrified beyond all capacity for rational thought.
(The door behind them opens revealing ModernSpongebobSucks and Disney1994.)
Admin : ModernSpongebobSucks?
ModernSpongebobSucks : Admin!
Videogamefan5 : ModernSpongebobSucks!
ModernSpongebobSucks : Videogamefan5?
Disney1994 : Wildhawk!
Wildhawk : (no comment)
Admin : ModernSpongebobSucks!
ModernSpongebobSucks : Admin! Videogamefan5 : ModernSpongebobSucks!
ModernSpongebobSucks : Videogamefan5?
Disney1994 : Wildhawk!
Wildhawk : (no comment)
Admin : ModernSpongebobSucks!
ModernSpongebobSucks : Admin!
Videogamefan5 : Enough! We have to get upstairs!
ModernSpongebobSucks : No way! The whole upstairs is crawling with Pu—
Puga zombies : Lots of me..., etc.
ModernSpongebobSucks : Stairwell it is! What's with the rubber?
Admin : It insulates against the infection.
ModernSpongebobSucks : I don't even wanna know how you figured that one out.
(Cut to the still oblivious britigirl watching her movie.)
Britigirl : No! Don't walk into the kitchen, Grievance lady! Ohhh! Gosh! How could she be so oblivious?
(Cut to the stairwell.)
Admin : Just...keep...climbing...
ModernSpongebobSucks : (panting) This is enough last me a lifetime.
(Cut to Puga and teamrocket747 in the chopper.)
Puga : Man, I've had off days before, but this is a lulu, even for me. I-I never thought I could get so sick of myself. Oh, well. You know, at least with a disaster of this proportion, things can't get any worse.
(Puga looks behind him as the Puga Season 10 troll hater M growls at him and he hides. The Mudkip fights Puga in his chopper. Puga and teamrocket747 almost fall out but hang on.)
Puga : Uh, Teamrocket747, when you get a minute, grab the controls, would you, please?
(While Puga and Mudkip fight, teamrocket747 takes control of the chopper and steers it willy-nilly.)
(Cut to Puga's lab.)
Disney1994 : This is it, Puga's floor.
ModernSpongebobSucks : Thank goodness.
(ModernSpongebobSucks, Disney1994, Admin, Wildhawk, and Videogamefan5 walk up to the door and open it to see countless Puga-zombies.)
Puga zombies : Lots of me..., etc.
Disney1994 : Whoa, this place is crawling with them.
Videogamefan5 : (pointing to the destroyed inator) There it is! That must be where the ray came from!
ModernSpongebobSucks : Ugh! If only there was a way to get rid of all those zombies.
(Right on cue, the chopper crashes into the balcony and whirs all the zombies backward. Teamrocket747 stops the chopper and the Mudkip Puga zombie crashes into the panic room door.)
Puga zombies : Lots of...
Disney1994 : Strange and unusual.
ModernSpongebobSucks : Same old same old. Come on!
Puga : (coughs) Oh, I sure hope the poor slob who lives here has insurance. That would be... (He looks around to see he is "the poor slob who lives here".) Oh, crud. Disney1994!
Disney1994 : Puga! (runs up to him for a hug) It's you! Okay, so what did you do?
Puga : Well, it was just a simple Repulse-inator, y'know to, to make Dcfnaf ugly, but then, there was some sort of power surge and this happened!
Admin : (tinkering with the inator) Well, that explains the electromagnetic charge that's changing everybody. But we need some kind of conductor that neutralizes it.
Videogamefan5 : Well, water neutralizes static.
Admin : Yes! Water should change everyone back!
Disney1994 : Um, isn't that a bit of a leap?
Puga : No, I'm a scientist. I'm gonna go with 'im on that. I might have a water pistol lying around. I-I can go get it.
Admin : Yeah, but we've gotta find a way to get everyone in TheTopTens wet at once. Otherwise, the contagion could start again.
Disney1994 : We can wait till it rains.
ModernSpongebobSucks : Oh! We don't have time! And when does it ever rain here?
Admin : Unfortunately, the water went out with the power. So we need to find a large supplier of water. Preferably elevated so that gravity can work in our favor.
(Wildhawk points up to the TopTens incorporation tower.)
Admin : Yeah, I know. We just need to build a pulley system to get us over there and some sort of giant sprinkler to spray the whole city.
Disney1994 : There's always lots of spare parts laying around here.
Puga : I like to tinker.
Admin : Let's get to work!
( Montage : The gang all begin working on the pulley system and everything else. At one point, Puga suggests a self-destruct button, but Admin refuses it.)
(Cut to the Puga zombies regaining consciousness.)
Puga zombies : Lots of me..., etc.
Puga : Uh, fellas, I think you might wanna hurry up.
Admin : You guys hold 'em off! And don't forget to rubber up!
(ModernSpongebobSucks and Disney1994 put on rubber gloves and get out toilet plungers.)
Puga : (doing a karate yell and wearing rubber gloves on his arms and head)
Disney1994 : Puga, why are you wearing that? Aren't you immune?
Puga : Well, everyone else was dressing up.
Puga zombies : Lots of me..., etc.
Admin : That's it! Everything's built! Let's go over the plan. (They take out scale models.) One: Wildhawk shoots the grappling hook, which attaches to the service platform of the incorporation tower. Two: We send the vortex sprayer up the line. Three: We all ride up in the basket lift. Four: Once we reach the tower, I'll climb into the top of the tank...
ModernSpongebobSucks: Talk faster!
Admin :...and open the hatch. Five: Videogamefan5 will attach the connecting claw to the open hatch, which will move the vortex sprayer into place.
Disney1994 : (offscreen) Admin, we can't hold them much longer!
Admin : Whoever makes it to the vortex sprayer first presses that button to activate it! (Breathes) Alright, any questions?
ModernSpongebobSucks : Yeah, was it worth the time it took to build a scale model?
Admin : Totally. Anyone else? Yeah, you in the back?
Puga zombie : Lots of me...
Disney1994 : Hurry up, guys!
(Wildhawk fires the grappling hook and it latches onto the letter "O".)
Disney1994: Great shot, Wildhawk!
ModernSpongebobSucks : Disney1994, behind you! (gets touched and transforms) Oh, crud. Lots of...
Puga zombie (ModernSpongebobSucks)
Admin : ModernSpongebobSucks!
Puga zombie (ModernSpongebobSucks) : Lots of me...
Admin : NOOOOOOOO!!!!
Videogamefan5 : Come on, guys! We gotta go!
Admin : Hurry!
(Videogamefan5, Admin and Wildhawk climb into the bucket and it pulls them up.)
Puga : Oh, man, what I wouldn't give for that single-minded focus. Hey, what's that over there?
(Cut to teamrocket747 attempting to climb out of the helicopter door, but he gets touched and transforms, too.)
Puga zombie (Teamrocket747) : Lots of me...
Puga : No! Not TeamRocket747!!
Disney1994 : There's too many of them! Puga?! (gets touched and transforms)
Puga : No! Not Disney1994!!!
Puga zombie (Disney1994) : Lots of me?
Puga : NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! (takes off his gloves) That's it! That's it! That's it! (takes off his lab coat and shirt) I've had enough of you mes! (Puga is now in his underdrawers.) Alright, you freaks! Fresh meat! Yippee-ki-yay, you Puga freaks! Yippee-ki-yay!
Admin : Again with the clothes.
Videogamefan5: I know. What's that all about?
Puga : (offscreen) This is yet another callback to something I didn't hear!
Videogamefan5 : Wow! Look at that! We may be the only ones left.
(The bucket begins swaying back and forth. Cut to reveal the Puga zombies pulling on the rope.)
Videogamefan5 : Oh no! The line's breaking! We're not gonna make it!
Admin : We have to! If we don't make it, Thetoptens falls!
(The vortex sprayer makes it, but admin, Wildhawk and Videogamefan5's bucket's line breaks and it falls. Wildhawk somehow steers the bucket to land onto the stairway.)
Puga zombies : Lots of me..., etc.
Admin: Is everyone all right?
Videogamefan5: I'm good!
Admin : And there's the vortex sprayer! C'mon, let's go!
(They run up the stairs panting.)
Puga zombies : Lots of me..., etc.
(Admin, Wildhawk and Videogamefan5 are now surrounded by zombies.)
Admin : We're not gonna make it!
Wildhawk : No. You and Videogamefan5 will make it. (He charges into the zombies.)
Admin: Wildhawk! No!
(Wildhawk flings himself at the zombies.)
Wildhawk : (grunts)
(One of the zombies grabs Wildhawk's mask and touches him.)
Admin and Videogamefan5 : Wildhawk!
Puga zombie (Wildhawk) : Lots of me...
Videogamefan5: Admin! No! Don't touch him!
Phineas : Wildhawk! I can't just...
Videogamefan5 : I know! But the only way to save him is to keep going! Come on!
(Admin and Videogamefan5 run up the stairs.) Puga zombies : Lots of me..., etc.
Videogamefan5 : Admin! Aaah!
Admin : Hang in there, Videogamefan5! We're almost there!
Videogamefan5: It's just...If this is the end, there's something I have to tell you!
Admin : Okay, shoot.
Videogamefan5 : For the longest time...
Admin : C'mon! There it is!
Videogamefan5 : But, admin, admin... I LIKE YOUR WEBSITE!!
Admin : I like this website, too, Videogamefan5!
Videogamefan5 : No! I mean I like-your site like your site!
Admin : Wow. I mean, gosh. I...I...I've always felt...
(A zombie hand reaches for Videogamefan5.)
Videogamefan5 : Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Admin : Get away from him!
Videogamefan5 : Admin! No! Ah! No!
Admin: (Grunting)
(transforming and giving him a clamp) Go! LLLLL....
Puga zombie (Admin) : Lots of me...
Videogamefan5: Oh, Admin! (Breathes) Get it together, Teacher! It's up to you to save Admin! (climbs up the tower) It's up to you to save TheTopTens! It's up to you... (Realizes what he is doing) to stop talking to yourself!
(Videogamefan5 opens the hatch of the incorporation tower and puts the clamp onto the hole. The vortex sprayer lifts up with a bunch of zombies riding on it. Videogamefan5 reaches for the button but gets touched.)
Videogamefan5 : Aaah! (grunting)! (He presses the button successfully but still transforms and grunts) Lots of...
Puga zombie (Videogamefan5)
(The vortex sprayer activates and sprays all of thetoptens starting with the Puga zombie at the podium, who turns back into Dcfnaf.)
Dcfnaf : Is the episode over?
(Cut to the audience where all the Puga zombies there get sprayed.)
Puga zombies : Lots of...
(The Pugas transform into some citizens and the Newcomers to thetoptens.)
(Cut to two Pugas on the roof of HTTTI. They get sprayed and transform into sanjayandcraigsucks and Danteem.)
Sanjayandcraigsucks : Danteem, why are we holding our arms like this?
(Cut to another area where one Puga is lifting another Puga's lab coat.)
Puga zombies : Lots of me...
(They get sprayed and turn into a citizen, jacksontopten giving BarneytheDinosaurRocks a wedgie, and Justin Bieber trolls.)
Barneythedinosaurrocks : I dunno what happened here and I'm pretty sure I don't want to.
(Cut to the incorporation tower where all the rest of the Pugas get sprayed.)
Puga zombies : Lots of me...
(They transform into some citizens as well as patrickstar and garythesnail.)
Patrickstar : I still say this makes no sense at all.
Garythesnail: I know, right?
(Cut to P.E.I. headquarters, where ModernSpongebobSucks and disneyfan1994 are back to normal and soaked.)
Disney1994 : Oh, hey there, Modern. You okay?
ModernSpongebobSucks : Oh, yeah, totes. Just hangin' out, rockin' the wet lo— Oh, who'm I kidding? Look at me.
Disney1994 : Well, you're pretty cool under pressure.
ModernSpongebobSucks : You weren't so bad yourself.
Disney1994 : Thanks. It was good hanging with you. We should do it again sometime. Preferably without the threat of a zombie apocalypse.
Puga: I'm not makin' any promises.
ModernSpongebobSucks : Well, see you around. (he leaves)
Disneyfan1994 : Definitely. Come on, famous dude. Let's go play a game of Kleptocracy.
Puga : That's my fan.
(Cut to the Incorporation tower. Admin climbs up to videogamefan5.)
Admin : Videogamefan. Are you okay?
Videogamefan5 : Yeah. Just a little foggy.
Admin: What happened?
Videogamefan5: I remember building the vortex sprayer, but after that, I've got no clue.
Admin: Me neither. But whatever happened, it worked!
Wildhawk: Yes. Everyone seems to be noticeably lab coat free.
Admin: At least everyone within the walled site of thetoptens.
(Overhead shot to reveal everyone outside the walls is now a Puga zombie.)
Videogamefan5 : (offscreen) Yeah, too bad about the rest of the sites.
Puga zombies : Lots of me..., etc.
Title Card: The End
(Zoom out to reveal the title card on britigirl's TV. She turns it off.)
Britigirl: Pfft! Horror movies. Scary, but so unbelievable. (She leaves.)
End credits

(Song: Lots of Me)
Puga zombies : ♪ Lo-Lo-Lots of me... ♪
♪ Lo-Lo-Lots of me... ♪
♪ Lots of me... ♪
♪ Lo-Lo-Lots of me... ♪
Puga: ♪ At first, I was thinkin', "Hey, this is great!" ♪
♪ But there's more of me than even I can tolerate! ♪
♪ Plus, now I really notice I should lose some weight, ♪
♪ Get a shave, get a trim, exfoliate! ♪
Puga zombies : ♪ Lo-Lo-Lots of me... ♪
♪ Lo-Lo-Lots of me... ♪
L-L-L-Lots of me...
♪ Lo-Lo-Lots of me... ♪
Puga : ♪ Watch 'em milling about like a bunch of lost sheep, ♪
♪ Now everyone in town thinks I'm kind of a creep. ♪
♪ I'm not philosophical, I'm not that deep, ♪
♪ But I guess what you sow, you kinda gotta reap. ♪
Puga zombies : ♪ Lots of me... ♪
♪ Lo-Lo-Lots of me... ♪
♪ Lots of me... ♪
♪ Lo-Lo-Lots of me... ♪
Puga : ♪ Now there's lots of me, yeah, there's lots of me! ♪
♪ If you wanna, you can play connect-the-dots with me! ♪
♪ Tell all the haters who been takin' pot-shots at me, ♪
♪ You gotta target what you fire, but there's lots of me! ♪Puga zombies : ♪ Lots of me... ♪
♪ Lo-Lo-Lots of me... ♪
♪ Lots of me... ♪
♪ Lo-Lo-Lots of me... ♪
♪ Lots of me... ♪
♪ Lo-Lo-Lots of me... ♪
Puga : ♪ What I'm tryin' to say is there's lots of me!! ♪
