TheTopTens Presidential Election

TeamRocket747 Now, before you start saying "Who's this newbie and what's he talking about", all I need to say is "newbie", what? It should explain everything. But this is our first elections and next elections will be in 2021! And, after consideration, we have brought elections here!

Quick thing to note, also, is that these elections will be separate from TheTopTens Elections. That being said, let us continue.
All Elections will take place 4 years after December 12 - December 19.
All Toptenners need a minimum of 100 comments to become a citizen, which allows the ability to vote. The person must be not be a known alt.
There will be a Innocent until Proven Guilty system instead of a Guilty until Proven Innocent system.
We're a democracy, not a dictatorship!
For a person to run for president, they must have a minimum of 1,000 edits on this site.
For a person to become a Vice or run for Post Prez, he/she must have at least 500 comments on TheTopTens.
In the event of a tie, a game of "Rock Paper Scissors" will be played via messages you sent together.
Both candidates will PM the Elector either Rock, Paper, or Scissors, and the elector will report if the person beat the other person.
It is best out of 10. However, if this method cannot be used, or if both candidates win 5 out of 10, then the Candidates will either pick the number 1 or 2, and RANDOM.ORG is to be used to determine the winner.
This also applies to regular voting, if two people are tied at second place.
If a President wins, and he has not elected a Vice President, then the runner-up will become Vice.
To remove a candidate from the elections, the current president and 1 popular user, or 2 popular users, must request or allow his removal.
If only 1 popular user approves, but no other approvals can be achieved, a poll will be created.
An popular user running for a position cannot so this.
To Impeach a president, 2 people must submit a formal complaint, as well as 1 signature from an popular user.
The president must make at least 10 comments before any action can be taken. The deadline for response is 10 days after the formal complaint has been submitted and approved. Once all conditions have been met, an impeachment post will be placed, and it will expire exactly 7 days after it is created. An popular user who is running/ran for any position will not be able to do this. Once an impeachment post has been created, it cannot be undone unless: A) The president brings solid evidence that the impeachment is false, or B) One of the conditions is no longer met- IE one pulls back his claim, or the admin revokes his signature. A false impeachment de-grants citizens citizenship, making them unable to vote, unless the impeachment is canceled via method B. Once a president has been successfully impeached, then the De-elections post can commence. Once an impeachment is done, it cannot be undone. If the De-elections fail, the president will resume his role in office. If it is successful, he will be kicked out of office, and the Vice President will become President, and elect a new Vice. The new Vice President must have a minimum of 1000 comments, and cannot be a previous president.
f the President is inactive, he will be kicked out of office and be replaced by the Vice President, who will elect a new Vice President. If the Vice President is inactive, then he will be kicked out of office and the President will elect a new one. If the Chat President is inactive, he will not be kicked from office.
If the President is banned for any amount of time, the Vice President takes over until the President is back in office.
If the President is warned for anything, it will not affect him regarding his term.
If the President is banned for 3 days, it will not affect him regarding his term- however, it will only take 1 person to impeach the president, with an admin signature.
If the President is banned for 1 week, he will automatically become impeached. However, de-election voting will not start unless an admin says to.
If the President is banned for 2 weeks, he will automatically become impeached, and a de-election post will be created.
This can only be stopped if an admin requests it.
If the President is banned for 1 month, or more, he will be kicked out of office, and he will not be able to run for president again.
