Things Religious People Need to Understand About Atheists

The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 We don't think you're brainwashed

Most of us atheists don't think that your brainwashed, well any more than any other person on the planet, when we talk about religious brainwashing we are talking about certain religious people that show behaviors like a brainwashed person.
Those that refuse to watch certain types of movies, listen to certain type of music, or act like the whole world is against them or that they have an obligation to convert people over out of fear of God's judgement or their communities judgement, where their whole life revolves around the idea of going to Heaven

I only think scientologists are brainwashed. No offense.

2 We aren't religious because we like to sin

We are Atheist because we see no proof in a concept of a God, not because we are rebelling against said God How can we rebel against something we don't think exists

3 We don't want want to get rid of religion

We just don't like the negative things that come from religion: those that use God's name to spread hate: like saying that homosexuality is a sin or women are property, or start wars because of their religion

4 We are not closed to the idea of a god

If a religious person can provide some good evidence we are completely willing to reconsider our position

See I agree with these items except for this one. If you believe in a higher power just not a religious God than you are agnostic, like Einstein. But I have met tons of atheists that will just instantly deny God and they don't really give me a chance to state a claim.

Actually, an atheist would very likely be closed to the idea of a god. Those who find the existence of a god highly questionable, yet don’t completely shut down the idea, would be considered agnostic.

I believe in reincarnation, but other than that believe in nothing else spiritual. Am I an atheist...?

5 We were not born atheist

Most of use were raised in a certain religion and later became atheist, this might be because we saw incongruity in what we were taught or we just were apart of an overbearing religious family or church

Well...not all of us.

6 We do not think you're stupid

We all have difference reasons why we believe what we believe, we understand some are religious because they like the idea of a God, while others have some good reasoning for why they are religious, just like some of use atheist don't believe in a God for valid reason and others just don't like how God is represented in the scripture

I, for one, love religion from an academic standpoint. There’s so much to learn from the established traditions and culture of ancient religions.

7 We understand that religion has also given us positive things

We don't think all religion is bad and we acknowledge that there is plenty of advances in science because of religious people

That is something most atheists don't understand as well, which is sad, but that's just the very closed minded atheists.

8 We don't want to convert you

If you are happy with your religion and your believes help you with your addictions or whatever other hardships your going through we are genuinely happy for you

For the most part I try to respect atheists (Not the ones who attack Christian people) however most Christians tend to try and convert everyone even though they might not want to which kind of gives the religion a bad reputation

9 Not all atheist have the same beliefs

True. For instance, I do believe in aspects of Zen Buddhism, where we are asked to become one with our surroundings, with nature. To become a part of the cosmos, and not a being void of direction, or purpose.

I'm an atheist, but I believe in reincarnation not every atheist does though.

10 We don't hate religion

We hate people that use religion to manipulate people: whether that be by slamming the concept of hell and quilt on its people, manipulate them into giving out a ton of hard earned cash, or refusing to let their members interact with the those outside of their congregation

The Contenders
11 We are not evil

To the contrary, I find, by and large, more reasonable understanding, and compassion towards others among my "non-believer" friends. I don't know any Satan worshippers.

I'm Agnostic but seriously atheists get too much hate and so do religious people.As far as I'm concerned in terms of being evil,religion historically,has been a bigger evil than atheism.Of course I know not all religious people are bad but I'm just saying.

12 Atheism isn't a religion