Criticise Me

jmepa1234 I'd like some friendly critism please!
Do it like this:
Overall: /10


Rating out of Ten I meant - jmepa1234

10/10! - SamuiNeko

Pros: You're a pretty nice guy.
Cons: you did overeact to criticism.
I don't know much about you so I can't give you more pros of cons.

Overall:7/10 - nintendofan126

Absolutely nothing to criticise! You make lovely lists, you are friendly and considerate of other users. What's wrong with that? - visitor

Pros: You put effort in your lists
Cons: Isk what to say
Overall: 9/10 - RockStarr

I don't really know enough about you to offer anything constructive, but,

You have good (albeit fairly predictable) taste in music.

Your profile is too long, and you dislike the Smiths.

I don't believe in ratings. - PetSounds

8/10, if you didn't overreact I would've rated you higher. - visitor

understood - jmepa1234

Pros: You have good lists, and well-thought out.
Cons: I don't think you really have...maybe improve on your rants?
Rating: 9.5/10 - visitor

10/10 - e9090

6.5/10 - visitor