
letdot52 I sit in my room alone

And I put another mark in my arm.

I watch as the blood flows.

I suppose this is making me feel better.

It takes away all the pain.

Takes away the lies, the memories...

The depression.

What does this make me?

Does it make me evil or wrong?

Maybe it's okay...

As long as no one finds out.

At this point,

It's the only thing keeping me from dying.

But maybe death is a better choice.

I wouldn't be missed.

It's not like there's someone who would want to stop me.

I don't really care anymore.

I know i'll end up in Hell,

But Hell is better than this.



Notice: This is not about me. It's a story I came up with reflecting the feeling of someone who decided to kill themself. - letdot52

Wow... So moving! You have an amazing way with words! Your best so far. - Wolftail

That was very good - 2storm

You're so nice that you'll have a great life - Animefan12