Top 10 Predicted Worst Movies of 2019

The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 Dora the Movie

Swiper swiped his credit card to pre-order tickets.

2 Sonic the Headhog Movie

Come on if Mario couldn't pull this off what makes you think Sonic would? Besides, movies based on video games fail every time.

I'm actually excited for this.

3 Indiana Jones 5
4 It 2
5 Angry Birds

Another Angry Birds movie? I'm angry.

6 Bad Boys 4

Bad, I give it a 4 out of 10.

7 Dumbo

Doesn't look dumb, because it's directed by Tim Burton.

Girlcool - Not everything bad Tim Burton has made is terrible.

8 Assassin's Creed 2
9 BoBoiBoy The Movie 2

Seriously? They are making a 2nd BoBoiBoy movie?

Boy, this sounds weird.

10 Grudge

The critics are going to have a grudge with this one.