Top 10 Overrated People on The Next Step

The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 Tiffany

I Think That Tiffany is overrated because she is lacking in technique flexibility and emotion and she is farther along than everyone else on the show...

I feel like Tiffany was a good friend but she wasn’t that nice overall and only was nice to people she wanted to be nice to, not just nice to people in general. You know?

She said she want to act like the divas like beyonce. she's just wanna act like ye. I'm the best. she's so NOT!


2 Ozzy

Ozzy has potential but he is lacking in other things that people with his training and age already know how to do and needs to improve with technique and flexibility because when he gets older potential isn't gonna cut it but talent will...

You know ozzy annoying. richelle is slightly better.

He's ugly. you bad. next step. I wish he wasn't in next step. go elite, ozzy haha!

3 Skylar

Honestly I think that Skylar is amazing but her facials are a hot mess. sometimes she stumbles and isn't as flexible as the other acro dancers

I don't think Skylar's dancing was particularly great and she always seemed to be complaining about something.

She was quite loyal at The Next Step. But she is loyal to whatever team she is on. She left tns and wasn’t nice to anyone there and practically backstabbed the team.

4 Sloane

I think that Sloane is actually good but her she doesn't have the technique and she isn't flexible and her hip hop moves and lacking because its kinda repetitive and just repeats the same things

Soane isn't the best...but is she overrated? No.

she didn't really stick out to me so I think she should be at the top

She didn’t really do anything bad. But I feel like she’s overrated. She wasn’t really that nice for stealing LaTroy off of Amy with a click of her fingers.

5 Michelle

Michelle Is good but people in seasons said that she was the best dancer even though her facials are pretty bad and her tumbling needs work and I don't think I have ever seen her make eye contact but that's OK but whats not OK is that she looks down a lot...

I don't like Michelle. She is difficult, demanding, gets everything she wants, wasn't a good dance captain, stole Eldon off Emily, wasn't even the best dancer and turned up suddenly asking Emily to go on tour with her when Emily was fine where she was. She is just so selfish. I mean she was fine in season 1 but she was so bad by season 3 and season 4 Michelle was even worse.

Michelle is good but sometimes She just annoys the crap out of me

Her dancing is OVERRATED. No question

6 Emily

I think that Emily has a good felicity for dance but sometimes her dancing is a little tense and awkward...

As much as I like Emily as a character, her dancing just isn't great. She is often very stiff and doesn't really push herself physcially

I hate her So much

She’s definitely Overrated. She was basically the mean queen bee, and then acted like she was the victim. I mean who would you want as a dancer on your troupe Emily: a girl that only knows how to dance one style or Michelle: a person that was on a winning troupe that won regionals which SHE was the dance captain of, and the Miss Nationals Soloist. And she thinks she has the guts to say she’s worked harder than Michelle. What a bitch. But the most annoying thing is that she’s won over the fandom and people love her.

7 Zara

I honestly really like Zara but sometimes when she does her kicks or extensions her legs bend a lot

8 Lola

I think that Lola is good but she is lacking some flexibility and has bad feet in side Ariels

9 Hunter

I think that Hunter is pretty good but his facials are bad and she just has this face all the time._.

10 Daniel

I think that daniel is outstanding but he needs to work on his facials instead of just keeping his mouth open like this :0

He proved his heart was in the right place. But he was still selfish and I understand he redeemed himself but it was REALLY mean! And his dancing needs more emotion.

He betrayed the team and for that I don't like him. I still hold a vendetta against him, even though he redeemed himself in the end.

Daniel is my favorite character from the next step he's great