Top 10 Most Accurate of Xandermartin98's Video Game Reviews on TheTopTens So Far

You be the judge (look in the Posts section to see them)
The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (9.999999)

I admittedly really, really, REALLY wanted to give this game yet ANOTHER perfect 10 out of 10 just for its gameplay department alone, even after going into an EXTREMELY in-depth critical analysis of it, but I just couldn't; no game is perfect (this is literally about as close as they get, however)

2 Earthbound Zero (5.0)

Same "sequels were way better" issue as with Parappa, only taken to ludicrous extremes

3 Chrono Trigger (9.0)

Excellent game, but far from being AS excellent of a game as Final Fantasy VI before it (in fact, in my opinion it's actually quite BLAND compared to FFVI overall, at least when talking about the actual story/gameplay and not the graphics/music)

Still, the overall difference in review scores was only 0.5, so not a huge deal

4 PaRappa the Rapper (6.0)

Good game for its time, but easily the worst of its series (yet somehow was annoyingly praised as the be-all-to-end-all of the series by critics both at the time when it first came out and in many cases even nowadays, whereas its Lammy spinoff/sequel hybrid was completely ignored by comparison and turned out to be quite easily at least TWICE the game that this was)

5 Henry Hatsworth In the Puzzling Adventure (8.75)

Honestly enjoyed this quite a bit more than Shovel Knight, personally

6 Fallout 4 (8.75)

Fun game (when you're not stuck doing literal hours of Radiant-Quest grinding, that is) but inexcusably shallow compared to 3 and New Vegas (the town-building simulator crud was also a huge detriment to the game's overall score as well, honestly)

Seriously, you have no idea how much I actually WANTED this game to be the amazing 9.75-quality game that all of its hype made it out to be

(cough, just like Undertale/EB and CT, cough)

7 Undertale (9.0)

Yes, it's a fantastic addition to both the Earthbound series and the indie game genre as a whole, but just like Chrono Trigger (and also Earthbound and Mother 3 as well), it is simply NOT a perfect 10/10 game no matter how you look at it

(Truthfully, however, it's overall just as good as those three)

8 Super Metroid (9.5)

The game that defined Metroid, enough said

(don't worry, there's a good chance I'll cover Prime later)

9 UmJammer Lammy (9.1)

9.1 might have been quite a bit of an exaggeration for UJL's actual quality as a game by TODAY'S standards to say the least, but I can only imagine what it must've been like to actually BE there at the time when this came out; for all intensive purposes, it was basically the original Guitar Hero, and undeniably the objective crown jewel of the Parappa series as well

(And unlike most old PS1 games, also including the original Parappa The Rapper, this game has also held up exceedingly well for the most part)

In short, its music is incredibly on-point, its art style is gorgeously animated, its gameplay is remarkably top-notch for the time, its cutscenes (albeit mostly just the Lammy ones) are charming and hilarious(ly bizarre) to the extremes, and its protagonist is the literal definition of "Badarse Adorable"

10 Cave Story (8.0)

Certainly a masterful indie game for its time, but massively overshadowed by literally every other major indie release after it and for good reason

Still a classic game in its own right, however