Best Marvel Cinematic Universe Films Which Work as Stand Alone Films

Most of the MCU films are interconnected.
There are many you have to watch two or three films prior to really enjoy the latest installment like Avengers: Infinity War well in that case you have to watch 18 films before that one. It’s not like you won’t understand, you would but you wouldn’t care very much what happens to all the characters because you don’t love them like a fan.

but there are some that you can enjoy very much without previously any single MCU film.

These films are perfect to convert new fans into The MCU or show or just make any movie lover to watch An MCU film and just try it.
The Top Ten
1 Iron Man

It’s the very first film of the Franchise so there are not previous films and there is no cliffhanger so you are not forced to watch the next films.

So if it’s the only film you want to watch feel free to do that, thoug it’s so good that you might get hooked into watch the others just because you loved it.

2 Thor
3 Guardians of the galaxy
4 Captain America: The First Avenger
5 Black Panther
6 Marvel's The Avengers

You don't have to watch the previous 4 solo films of the MCU to enjoy this one

You may not know the characters before that one but you get into them very fast and pick your favorite character while watching this film.

7 Dr Strange
8 Spider-Man: Homecoming

You might need to watch a few scenes from Civil War on YouTube before watching this but that’s it no need to watch any film before that one.

9 Ant-Man
10 Marvel Studios' Avengers: Age of Ultron

This is the only sequel which works as a standalone film, you might like it a little more if you have seen the first Avengers movie but if you haven't is not big deal.

The Contenders
11 The Incredible Hulk
12 Captain America: Winter Soldier
13 Captain Marvel
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