Top 10 Members of Your Family You Wish to Go Out With

The Top Ten
1 Mum

If it was somebody else's mother that looks sexy I would go out with her

Remove this list. It's gross and reminds us of incest.

I think you're right. great opinion

Ii don't like that idea. Besides my mom hates me.

2 Dad

I love going places with my dad :) He's really fun

My papa is such a lot of fun to be with.

3 Grandma
4 Grandpa
5 Aunty
6 Uncle
7 Sister
8 Cousin

This is the farthest from incest and anyone who did not vote for this is absolute disgusting waste of a human

I can't believe the parents are the top two... like what? They conceived you

9 Brother
10 Nephew
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