Top 10 Metal Jokes Which are Really Bad

The Top Ten
1 How do you remove your corpsepaint? - You take Abbath
2 All members of Meshuggah are such Djentlemen.
3 Chuck Norris looks everyday under his bed to see if George Fisher's neck is under it.
4 There's a new film coming out! Lars Ulrich: Straight Outta Tempo
5 My favorite Slayer Riffs are 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0
6 I like my coffee like my metal - black.
7 A pig asks a slam metal vocalist: "how are you?" the slam metal vocalists replies: "breeeeeeeeee!"
8 When it doesn't have a breakdown it's not metal.
9 Hansi Kürsch is a real life Tolkien.
10 What do you call Dagonforce when they're drunk? - Drunkenforce.
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