Top 10 Metal Songs with Titles in French

There are 2 types of songs on this list:
1) title is in French but lyrics aren't
2) both the title and the lyrics are in French
The Top Ten
1 L’enfant Sauvage - Gojira

The most successful metal band from France with a song of 2012 (only the title is in French, lyrics are in English)

2 Sous la lueur de l'empereur - Beyond Creation

Progressive /technical death metal from Montreal, Canada ( 2014). A song with awesome fretless bass.

3 Deja Vu - Iron Maiden
4 Là où Nous Allons - Forteresse

A black metal song from the province of Quebec, Canada, released in 2016.
I have to admit something: while I like their music, I don't share their Quebec Separatism and Nationalism that can be found in some of the lyrics.

5 Les Forges - Gris

Atmospheric black metal from Quebec, Canada - it's over 15 minutes long (came out in 2013).
There are several black metal songs from Quebec on this list because black metal (along with folk metal) is one of the metal subgenres where not singing in English is perceived as interesting, at least OK.

6 L'Appel de la nuit - Monarque

A black metal song from Quebec

7 Sortilège - Sortilège
8 A Tout Le Monde - Megadeth

The title and the chorus are in French but most of the song is in English.
I know that this song is probably the most popular song on this list but I like some other songs better. Dave vocals really give me a hard time in this ballad (he just wasn't born to sing ballads).

9 Le Detenteur - Beyond Creation
10 Une Épitaphe de Suie - Gris
The Contenders
11 Remords Posthume - Nocturnal Depression
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