Top 10 Misspellings of Bands Names

The Top Ten
1 Deaf Leppard (Def Leppard)

Or Deaf Leopard.

2 Lincoln Park (Linkin Park)

LP's name was named after a park owned named after Abraham Lincoin they just misspelled it and their name was made.

Sounds like a park named after Abraham Lincoln

3 The Beetles (The Beatles)
4 Nikelback (Nickelback)
5 Megadeath (Megadeth)

My god..I'm tired of seeing people spelling it like this

6 Led Zepplin (Led Zeppelin)
7 Ozzy Osborn (Ozzy Osbourne)
8 Corn (Korn)
9 Slipnot (Slipknot)
10 Guns And Roses (Guns N' Roses)
The Contenders
11 Metalissa (Metallica)

It sounds weird and same at the same time

12 Panthera (Pantera)
13 Iron Maidin (Iron Maiden)
14 Deth (Death)
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