Best Mob Psycho 100 Characters

The Top Ten
1 Arataka Reigen

Did not expect this guy, sweaty conman comic relief, to end up being S-tier husbando material not too far into the series uwu a genuinely good guy

2 Shigeo Kageyama

Mob is awesome.

3 Teruki Hanazawa
4 Dimple

He is hilarious and a wonderful character

5 Ritsu Kageyama
6 Koyama
7 Ishiguro
8 Sakurai
9 Sho Suzuki
10 Katsuya Serizawa
The Contenders
11 Mukai
12 Reigen's Mom

She roasted him on facebook

13 Keiji Mogami
14 Musashi Gouda
15 Tome Kurata
16 Tenga Onigawara
17 Ichi Mezato
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