Best Moe Prank Calls on the Simpsons

The Top Ten
1 Mike Rotch (My Crotch)
2 Amanda Huggenkiss (A Man to Hug and Kiss)
3 Hugh Jazz (Huge Ass)
4 I. P. Freely (I Pee Freely)
5 Seymour Butts (See More Butts)
6 I'm a Stupid Moron With an Ugly Face and a Big Butt and My Butt Smells And... I Like to Kiss My Own Butt
7 Oliver Klozoff (All of Her Clothes Off)
8 Al Coholic (Alcoholic)
9 Drew P. Wiener (Droopy Wiener)
10 Ivana Tinkle (I Want to Tinkle)
The Contenders
11 Bea O'Problem (B. O. Problem)
12 Jacques Strap (Jock Strap)
13 Homer Sexual (Homo Sexual)
14 Ima Wiener (I'm a Weiner)
15 Eura Snotball (You're a Snot Ball)
16 Moe Ron (Moron)
17 Lee Kebum (Leaky Bum)
18 Yuri Nator (Urinator)
19 Ahmed Adoudi (I Made a Doodie)
20 Tess T. Culls (Testicles)
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