Top 10 Most Annoying Things About Grown Ups (According to Teens)

Hey, I'm almost an adult, but I find plenty of faults!!

P.S., Any adults reading this, if you're offended by this list, go ahead and create one about kids or teenagers!! See if we complain!
The Top Ten
1 They think they're always right

When I was very young, I thought adults could do anything. If I had a problem, I would ask them, and they would make everything look easy. It was mesmerizing... when I was like... I don't know... 4yo. Now that I have reached my teenaged years, I realize that adults are not suphumans, and kids are no less a capable of being right as well. I say "capable", because just like adults, there are a lot (and I mean a lot) of stupid kids out there. Am I one? I guess I'll never know. But it think the important thing is that we need to stop discriming people based one there age, because kids/teens are no less capable of being right than adults are.

2 They expect respect but they don't respect you

Exactly, and I think this goes hand and hand with another issue as well. Adults are allowed to do so much horrible crap to you that they aren't even allowed to do to other adults. Your mom would go to jail for smacking another adult. But, if it's a kid, no that's fine -_-. This is an awful thing and it needs to be stopped. Mark my words, I will always stand up against this unfair treatment towards children, even when I'm 80. Children deserve to be treated like human beings, not animals. (or at least most of them lol)

Whenever your parents treat you like Cinderella and constantly are cruel about everything and they act like they should be treated like gods. I said "yeah" instead of "yes ma'am" once and my stepfather went haywire and yelled at me for the next half hour about respect for my elders (even though they don't deserve it). Then there are the "if you want respect you have to show it" lectures. My parents are some serious hypocrites when it comes to that.

3 They say negative things about your friends without ever meeting them

I.K.R! This happened to me when my mum's friend accompanied me to France for a music camp. She was nagging me consistently, and I was getting pissed. So she was like "Your friends are 'fun ones' who break the rules and do prank calling! They won't get anywhere in life unless they have money."
I hate this so much.

From Hells to the YEAHS! I hate this so much, like I have a really good friend of mine, and I told my mom about something she did that I thought was kinda nice and cool, and my mom goes ahead right on and says, "What a loser. " I really hate this, hate it a lot.

4 They try to act cool and young

My teachers are big at this. One tries to act hip, he even wore a hoodie once, even though he is one of those serious looking teachers. Another one acts like he is in the know, and another acts like she understands what we are talking about

Whenever I listen to the radio and my parents come in they act like they know top 40 songs and stuff. They even made twitter accounts! Parents are desperately trying to act like 13 year olds, when my parents are waay over 30 years old!

My 41 year old mom thinks she's so meta and thinks she understands the modern world. She can't even work the Xbox that we have had for three years without my help

5 They never let you explain yourself

I try to tell them what really happened, and they just say, "I am done with this! You fight too much and you stress me out. I don't want to hear another word!" And then they just believe what they want or what is easiest to believe. Usually they are wrong.

My dad and I are just alike, so we always butt heads. But when ever I do something, I try and explain myself to him. He screams at me and insists I try to have the last word. Honestly, I could care less about getting the last word.

Yeah! I know right! My dad said I tripped my sister when I didn't, she just fell herself! But then when I tried to tell him she fell herself, he yelled at me for talking back and grounded me for a week!

6 They're always complaining

Shut up mom! Nobody cares if you had an awful day at work! I have my own problems to deal with as well. You don't have to ruin my childhood continuously going off about how terrible your "adult life" is. Maybe these parents are the reason why so many of their kids are growing up to be huge losers as adults. There are plenty of awful things us kids have to deal with as well!

This is the story of my life (I'm 21). I live in a house with 5 other people and all I ever hear coming out of their mouths is complains over complains. It has gotten to a point where I can't stand it anymore

7 They can't keep up with technology

Every time technology is involved with my grandparents, I'm the one doing it for them. My parents, on the other hand; I'm only helping them with stuff like how to run the computer or how to switch a setting on my iPod or whatever.

My mom didn't know about YouTube gaming until a week ago. Let's not pull a Jimmy Kimmel here, mom...

I have parental control on my phone and I have 2 hours and a few minutes 24/7. I hate it soo much

8 They belittle your beliefs because "it's not the way we raised you"

Treating everyone equally is just the thing adults claim us kids are bad at. Maybe your parents should try looking back at they where treated as kids. Maybe they will realize just how ignorant they really are about your life.

Well I will be talking to my mom and all the sudden she switches the conversation around and starts trying to get me sucked in to help her put something together. I saw how easy it was so I didn't need instructions. My mom said" we got to read before we put it together. I said fine go ahead and read it and went to go watch T.V.. My mom said" I am ready to put it together " I said ok." She did every thing wrong and she read the instructions. I had to put it together my self. She got jelus of had good I did she just gave me a hard time for a week.

9 They use Facebook

A majority of my relatives have Facebook. I'm an adult myself but I am not allowed to have a Facebook. My relatives constantly post stuff on there saying how cool and awesome their lives are. My life is not only 1 billion percent more boring than theirs, but I do get jealous of their awesome lives as well.

I wish I could get a life. But my mom is way too overprotective :(

Hey, you fools, social media sites were created by adults. Do you think that you have a monopoly for it's use. And who pays the electricity so that you can use your Facebook and other social medias?

10 They say rated R movies are not appropriate for kids or even teenagers

My mom won't let me watch adult movies, AND I'M 26! AN ADULT! Once I watched "Showgirls" and my mom told me that was too inappropriate for me to watch.

In all fairness, its not hard to get good grades when you're twelve. Sixth grade was nothing, you just had to... Show up.

It doesn't make sense. It's not like I don't KNOW about all the stuff in the movies.

The Contenders
11 They say "when I was your age..."

Yes definitely. Usually they are confronting me about a problem and I have a lot of things that I don't tell them since they are 1. my parents and 2. adults so when I try to explain something and don't give a straight answer they start assuming stuff, I tell them they are wrong and then they go like "I was once your age I know how you think"

My dad freaks out every night, saying "Why can't you be clean and organized and never forget things! When I was your age, I was spotless!" It makes me so mad. Even now he isn't spotless.

12 They insist on watching crappy movies

One day my uncle said that we should watch les mis, he said it was amazing but its time wasting.

I thought I was the only one with this problem. Happens all the time.

I watch a movie to see something blow up, not to see two people "kissing"

13 They talk about personal matters concerning you in front of others

Ikr. It's like they're boasting about it to other parents. Let's have a contest to see who has the least respect for there child and there privacy.

At my college meeting thing talking about what I'm going for. mom's like well he takes apart computers and know a lot about them so he wants to be a programmer. No I like CNC and machining not that crap.

I know right! My mom does that all the time, heck, even my brothers and sister dk that, too! It gets SO frustrating because it's your personal business/matter! For example, my mother goes around all willy nilly telling strangers about my 'problems' ("Oh, she used to do this! Brother: Is she in puberty? Mom: Yes! -- Seriously, mom?! You promised not to tell anyone! )

14 They treat you like a little person

Yeah especially the ones that don't educate you about sex because its too appropriate, and bad stuff like rape, racism etc. And then when you try to wear a Marijuana tank top and even if you don't smoke they wont let you, and then theirs the ones who gets drunk... And then they wont let go out at night to a party because it dangerous and you might do drugs, and when also a grown up go to a night party, they get rape too and drunk, like not are kids are the only ones who get rape too. And some kids are very smart to take care of themselves, if I have kids which I wont have, ill let them carry a gun or a knife or pepper spray so they wont get rape

15 They think all of your opinions and beliefs are wrong

Reminds me of that time I was talking to my parents during dinner about...I forgot what, but probably something about school, and when I said something regarding something I can't remember (this was, after all, several months ago when it happened), and they suddenly said this, literally: "we know you're just a teen and you're just making things up". I dunno about you, but to me, that is just a straight-up stereotype, I don't see how they meant it any other way...

My mom is catholic and she makes me go to church every sunday at 7:30 in the morning and makes me pray with them everyday and go on retreats and and read the bible and she says that I have to believe in God and if not I'll go to hell. I'm not even sure if I want to be this religion but if I told her that she'd make me seem like some devil worshiper or something

16 They never, and I mean never, stop talking

Sometimes this happens to me. Especially if I feel shy. Often if I talk to adults, they look and listen to me like "Aw look at that cute little girl, she has no idea what she's talking about, but she is only a teen so I will listen" I HATE it. I do know a thing or two ya know

When I try to talk to adults, I'm always cut off. When I actually get to talk, it is when they pause between sentences, but they say, "Don't interrupt us while talking." If you don't want me to "interrupt", then stop interrupting me.

I usually end up staying at someplace boring that I didn't want to be at in the first place for a very long time.

17 They think every song you like is bad

I was listening to Weird Al Yankovic's "White and Nerdy", and my grandma said, "How can you like this? It's just someone talking." She either wasn't listening to the hilarious lyrics or was just ignorant.

They insult you for the songs you like, and then they put on their crappy songs and you can't insult because you have to respect them like no! I don't care if your older than me or younger than me, but don't insult me

I guess I'm lucky I like the same type of music my family likes, huh?
But my brother knows how obsessed I am with this one band, all of you know, Queen, and he says:
"Lemme guess... QUEEN? Uh-Gain? " I nod, happy he's annoyed.

18 They judge you based on your age

Dad: Why are you blaming me about my height?

Kid: Says the one who judged his child about his age...

Guess what, you being 40 doesn't automatically make you superior or more intelligent than me.

Everything wrong with adults can basically be summed up into this one sentence.

19 They think they're superior because they do a certain job
20 They always have to know what you're doing

I did some wrong things on the internet once. Now I can't have electronic in my room, the screen must always be facing them and I can't look many things up. That'll teach us kids to be good with internet.

Like it's so annoying that when they think you're doing drugs or something, haha... or having sex. Like, I need to have my space if I'm angry or sad. Like, I hate when they trip ugh! Like they can't trust you!

My dad is always staring at my computer screen!

21 They are hypocrites

Isn't it so annoying that they are like that? For example: they call you names and swearing at you for doing something harmless, yet when you call them names because they did and they are generally horrible to you, they go like 'don't say that to your own parent", then I say 'Well then don't say those things to your own CHILD'. Then they do the usual unnecessary punishment.

My relatives tell me that you shouldn't talk about things like butts, poop, and diapers, yet whenever they talk about very young children they talk about butts, poop, and diapers.

They're Asian.

22 They think you think you know everything

Yes this is so true! Sometimes when I haven't even done anything wrong, or something really minor they go, " you think you know everything, huh?! Just because you're a teenager, you think you know everything?! You think you're so cool and you know everything?! " it really hurts that they say that when I've done nothing wrong

My dad always talks rude to me when he's mad and if I say something that I know is true he says "You think you know everything! But, it's ok you are just a little teen!"

I am an A student. I already hold myself to a high standard, but my dad goes too far. Even, if I get 100% on a paper, he still points out mistakes!

23 They don't let you explain when you say something and they get the wrong idea

If I say something they like to change the meaning of what I said so it fits with their arguments!

They always assume stuff when I say the slightest word, it's annoying!

24 They shout at you for breaking a glass but when they do they're like, ''oh we all make mistakes''

We just go a new floor in our house, and I was walking out to get breakfast in the morning, and the floor was really slippery, and...
You know what happened next. I fell over.
My Dad rushed over-
Meanwhile, as Mum drops a knife on the floor...

I know my mom used to scream at me when I broke a glass and when she'd break one she would just laugh and say oops.

My mom doesn't get mad. I broke a glass like 3 times she just tells me to clean it up

25 They compare the past to the present

IKR?! My parent's are like,"Back in the old days, I was a wonderful child. I had to take care of my siblings and do housework and the T.V. only had a kid's channel 30 minutes everyday. Kids these days use way too much screen time," They say while watching Netflix on their iPad, on Facebook on their computer, texting on their super new iPhone 7s while I have my mom's used iPhone 4, and while watching the football game on our T.V..

My dad does that. He always looks back to the day I ACCIDENTALLY broke my brother's fingers with a door. He always uses that as an excuse to get me in more trouble that getting my brother in trouble. He also keeps saying I'm lying about it being an accident.
You were thinking "comparing their lives to our lives" but it's not just that and it pisses me off that my dad does this so much.

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