Most Frightening New Doctor Who Creatures

10 most frightening Doctor Who creatures from the new series.
The Top Ten
1 The Weeping Angels

My God. These things scared my fully grown father, who is not easily frightened. These things are scary and completely silent. They only stop moving when they are being observed, which means one could be right behind you.

Don't blink. Don't even blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast. Faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And don't blink. Good luck.

That part when whatever her name is and that boy were talking, and the boy wasn't looking at the angel. And when they looked up, there was an angel about to jump on them.

2 The Vashta Nerada

Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead scared me so much that now I'm afraid of the dark.

3 The Empty Child

"It's a phone, a ringing phone... What am I supposed to do with a ringing phone?" The Doctor puzzled over this for quite some time. He eventually picked it up. "Hello!" He chirped. "This is the Doctor speaking!"
"How can I help you?"
"Are you my mummy?"

He was pretty freaky. And how when he turned someone else into an empty child, the gas mask came out of their mouth.

4 Midnight Creature

What makes the Midnight creature scary is that you can clearly see the Doctor is terrified of it. He always uses his mind and his voice when defeating a creature, and it's one of the rare villains the Doctor can't do anything against. It's the hostess who defeats it in the end by sacrificing herself. Also, you never find out what it is, which is another thing that makes it scary.

I think this is the scariest because we never find out what it is. Let's face it, the Doctor is afraid of it. That's pretty good evidence we should be too.

5 Peg Dolls

They look like something you would see in a horror movie.

6 The Silence

This top 10 is obviously quite out of date, but I'd argue that the idea of the Silence alone is the most creepy idea Doctor Who has ever come up with. Vashta Nerada are a close second.

I guess they're scary. But if I were to see one on a street side, I wouldn't be that scared.

7 The Ood
8 The Clockwork Dolls

I nearly wet my pants when they suddenly stepped out in front of me. They look so real, from the look of their hair and their face to their clothes that are tattered and torn.

9 Prisoner Zero
10 The Beast
The Contenders
11 Cybermen
12 Data Ghost
13 The Flood
14 The Family of Blood
15 Plasmavore
16 Davros Davros is a character from the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. He was created by screenwriter Terry Nation, originally for the 1975 serial Genesis of the Daleks.
17 Saturnyne
18 The Gelth
19 The Slitheen

Imagine this: An 8-foot-tall creature appears in your hallway, strangles you to the ceiling with 3-foot-long claws, and takes off your skin and wears it.

20 Professor Lazarus
21 The Daleks

The Daleks are amazing Doctor Who villains, but by now they have appeared so much in episodes that no one is really that scared of them anymore.

These enemies are not new, unless you are talking about those colored ones.

22 Skaldak
23 Cyber Shades
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