Top 10 Movie Aliens Who You Would Instantly Become Your Friend If You Met Them In Real Life

The Top Ten
1 E.T (E.T., the Extra-Terestrial) E.T. is a fictional character created by Melissa Mathison who serves as the titular character of Steven Spielberg's 1982 film E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.
2 Gizmo (Gremlins)
3 The Giant (The Iron Giant)
4 Stitch (Lilo & Stitch)
5 Little Green Men (Toy Story)
6 Grig (The Last Starfighter)
7 Echo (Earth to Echo)
8 Max (Flight of the Navigator)
9 Alf (Alf) Gordon Shumway, also known as "ALF", is the protagonist and title character of the American television series ALF
10 Cooper (Super 8)
The Contenders
11 Ki (Mars Needs Moms)
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