Top 10 Movie Ideas About Donald Trump

The Top Ten
1 Donald Trump gets kidnapped by aliens

All of these sounds corny. Seriously, Donald Trump falls off a cliff?

2 Donald Trump falls off a cliff
3 Donald Trump loses the election
4 Donald Trump stops being racist
5 Donald Trump does not build a wall

It's like what if Donald Trump isn't racist.

6 Donald Trump watches Boku no pico
7 Donald Trump runs out of money
8 Trevor Philips kills Donald Trump
9 Buttercup the Powerpuff Girl punches him

This would be awesome. I would laugh so hard that I wont be able to breath if this actually happened- AnimeDrawer85

10 Poltergeists haunt Donald Trump
The Contenders
11 Every single anime character beats up Donald Trump
12 Gidget (The Secret Life Of Pets) Beats Up Donald Trump
13 Donald Trump is attacked by Mexicans
14 Donald Trump vs. Zombies
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