10 Movie Poster Clichés You Should Avoid As a Director

Aren't we just tired of seeing our new and anticipated films, only to heave a sigh when we look at what should be an exciting, even thought-provoking, poster depicting the same, tired old editing effects that we've seen since the early 2000s? Well, here are 10 movie poster clichés that, if you ever have to make a poster in your painful GCSE Media course, should not include.
The Top Ten
1 Embers!
2 THIS...
3 Facing Away With... Brooding?
4 Blank Dead Stares Or Over-the-top Glares
5 Sub Heading That Tries to Sound Important

Face the music, you can't display how good a film can be in one line. So stop trying so hard.

6 Legs... Legs... Legs!!
7 Trying to Look Cool and Artsy
8 Covering Up Characters With Large Text
9 Characters Standing In a Single File
10 Showing Half a Person's Face
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