Best Movie Titles With One Letter Changed

The Top Ten
1 The Deported
2 The Codfather
3 Pack to the Future
4 Night Club
5 The Lion Ring
6 Forrest Bump

Sounds like a porn film...

That's because it is

7 The Shawspank Redemption
8 Lord of the Kings

Sounds like a real movie.

9 Gulp Fiction
10 The Park Knight
The Contenders
11 Fatman & Robin
12 Stark Tale
13 Slow White and the Seven Dwarfs
14 Wumbo
15 Lady and the Trump
16 Fantastic Mr. Box
17 The Many Adventures of Winnie the Poop
18 Woker
19 The Garbage Fail Kids Movie
20 Chicken Pittle
21 Star Wars: The Umpire Strikes Back
22 Forrest Hump
23 Iron Can
24 Faptain America: The Winter Soldier
25 X-Men: Gays of Future Past
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